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My Mobile
Questions and answers about mobile services: data rollover, data gifting, the SIM card, activation, Add-ons, roaming, etc.
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How to change the voicemail voice to a female oneMy voice mail currently have a Male voice. I want to change it to a female voice, so when I call to…Answered ✓ Closed jacques B. #16250 884 views 10 comments 17 points Most recent by Christophe G. #14612
4G LTE on iPhone XR?Hi, Any idea why I can never get 4G or LTE on iPhone XR? Is it Fizz or the mobile? (Coverage is sup…
Why I can not transfer my current numberWhy I can not transfer my current phone number from Chatr? When I start to transfer it the system s…
How to switch from Chattr to FizzI want to opt for a fizz plan and I have my sim card from Chattr. How to make that possible. thanx.
referral does not show up?I recently had a new referral I received at text and an email but it does not show up in my referra…
Which addon I need to had to be hable to make calls in Nova scotia?Which addon I need to add to be hable to call in Nova Scotia ? I modify my coverage from quebec onl…
VoLTE, WiFi-calling, eSIM, is there anyone working on this features?Just saw the news about Telus and Koodo have updates eSIM functions. Wondering will fizz bring any …
need to activate my new SIM card since I lost my phoneI lost my phone. Received new SIM. Need to activate my new SIM with my new phone. Need my old num…
Too late for 35$ bonus?I signed up to Fizz and ordered SIM on 13 Jan 2020, expect to get it in 2 business days. To receiv…
Roaming in TorontoI am local to Ottawa. Roaming to Cornwall and Brockville works fine on FIZZEXT. Continue down the h…
buying more than one add-on per category?Has anyone with a data only plan been successful in buying both add-ons for calling and texting at …
Can't call Toronto (647) with the Quebec CoverageSeems like I can't call to to Toronto with the Quebec Coverage. Says current plan doesn't allow to …
Saved/read text messages are automatically deleted?My old/read text messages are automatically disappearing/being deleted. I haven't deleted them by a…
Access Fizz website with no data?Does any one know if you can access Fizz's website when you run out of data in order to buy add-ons?
Canada coverage callingI modify my coverage from quebec only to canada full coverage to be hable to call since I moved to …
is it possible for Fizz to unmask a no caller ID number that called me two weeks ago?I received a phone call from a no caller ID two weeks ago and it's the first time I do. That's why,…
Data being used in the wrong orderI have a perk that expires in 30 days, a gift that expires in 60 days and data from my monthly plan…
How to correct wrong country is shown in travel add on?I will travel to China and select China as country to Travel addon ($5 for 500M). But my count show…
Voice mail not workingMy voice mail cannot be set-up, I receive message but when I try to open it, it close itself direct…
Iphone or Android ? Tell me which model you use.I'm using a Pixel3 XL 64 GB and you ?
Someone could spare data?Hello! I would appreciate if someone could spare data. I'm still new with Fizz but I plan to give b…
Call toll free?1. Can one uses Fizz to call 1-800 or 1-888 toll free #? 2. Is air time charged? I've searched…
Can't use data outside of Quebec when having a Canadawide coverage?In Halifax, get phone but not data. Similar question in forum but no answer but you asking the post…
oc transpo texto does not work?I am texting 560560 and bus number, but I get no response !
does fizz allow us to make calls anonymously? i can'thi, first of course is whether this function is enabled on fizz network? if yes what is the comman…
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