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My Mobile
Questions and answers about mobile services: data rollover, data gifting, the SIM card, activation, Add-ons, roaming, etc.
Discussion List
Never got my SIM cardHi, I ordered my Simcard about 2-3 months ago and never got it. (it was before the COVID ourbreak b…
Does MMS takes sms and dataI've read at a couple of place that we need data to use MMS so does it takes sms if we don't have i…
Acer liquid z320Does a liquid z320 work with Fizz?
2 sims cards?Hi! I would like to know if it is possible to have 2 sims card on the same plan. I am asking this, …
Is there good value in pairing mobile and internet with fizz?I’m thinking of switching from my current internet provider videotron to fizz and I’m wondering if …
Can I use my data in Ontario?Hi. My plan is for Quebec. I plan to be in Ontario for 10 days this summer. Can I use my plan there…
increse time voice maili want increse my voice mail time
Activation pending?After the transaction with my mobile plan, the status is said as the activation pending for more th…
Data usage in British Columbia with a Quebec PlanI have a plan with 4 GB of data and my coverage is limited to Quebec. Can I use mobile data if I tr…
Activation pending problem?I have tried to insert the SIM card and it’s not working for the mobile data
Awaiting activation?I've been waiting several hours for the activation email to be sent. Any help appreciated.
1.8GB of my data used up even I stay home with perfect connection with WIFI in 1 day?My mobile plan starts on every 4th of the month, today is a brand new day. However I have checked m…
Lost phone?I lost my phone and the plan wasn’t payed for this month but I did have a SIM card. I just now paye…
Does all unused data get transferred to my next month?If I still have 1gb does that transfer to the next month and is there a maximum amount ?
What is the best way to level up?What is the best/ fastest way to get Points and level up. I understand that you have to be in the c…
Voicemail mutedWhen I reach my voicemail, no sound comes up, and it closes after about half a minute?
Still waiting for transfertStill waiting to transfert my number to Fizz. I need my phone, more than hall day waiting.
I dont have access to my voicemail why?I dont have access to my voicemail why?
Voicemail doesn't work anymoreWhat happens with voicemail, Today I received a message that I have a new voicemail, but when I try…
Phone data?The data for phone number 514-8***** says there is 1.1/12gb of data left but it rest yesterday, can…
Is my phone compatible I have a blackberry motion I purchased 2 years ago ?I went over all you materials and there is nowhere i can put my IMEI number or find out 100% my ph…
Cant make phone calls, why?After activating my payment plan i can receive calls now but cant make calls. why?
Anyone has extra Data to give? Working from home.Also, how can I PM a user? I am new to this forum. Thanks
Fizz voicemail unavailable?Fizz texts me automatically to tell me that I have a voice message on my voicemail. However, when I…
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