Our mobile network is evolving.



  • Pete
    Pete Posts: 214 ✭✭

    Great news! Thank you!

  • Vasiok
    Vasiok Posts: 1,348 ✭✭

    Does fizz update the compatible devices list?

  • uzedia
    uzedia Posts: 1,673 ✭✭

    That is interesting. I followed the steps but don't see the option for VoLTE.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited January 2023


    Make sure your phone has the latest updates, Android and Motorola. Same thing happened with my Samsung A52 5G. The VoLTE switch appeared several days later. But maybe Motorola users could help you out better.

  • Ninmow
    Ninmow Posts: 19 ✭✭

    Great news

  • picpoper
    picpoper Posts: 24 ✭✭

    This is good news! 

  • Djil
    Djil Posts: 10 ✭✭

    C’est une bonne nouvelle

  • magic_channel
    magic_channel Posts: 134 ✭✭

    any news Volte? spring is coming

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,244 admin

    Hello there magic_channel  !

    As my colleague has said, official news in regards to VoLTE being added to the network will be made public here. We're still testing its capabilities with our network however once we are all done with that part we will make an official public announcement! 

    Have a good one!

  • kokoboko
    kokoboko Posts: 363 ✭✭

    Spring is almost here. Where is the VoLTE now ?

  • Vasiok
    Vasiok Posts: 1,348 ✭✭

    Just around the corner, just like the spring 😂

  • kokoboko
    kokoboko Posts: 363 ✭✭

    hope so. wanna enjoy my trip to Florida

  • Stéphane L. 1007
    Stéphane L. 1007 Posts: 270 ✭✭

    Can somebody tell me why migrating to volte is so complicated with phones that supposed to be "smart".

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited February 2023

    @Stéphane L. 1007

    What Fizz has told us is that for new Fizz users, it's easy. All they have to do is to connect the new user to the VoLTE voice server upon activation. So new users are already all set.

    For long time Fizz users ( those before March 16, 2022) the migration process is twofold:

    1. Disconnect the user from the 3G voice server

    2. Connect the user to the VoLTE voice server

    I'm no expert in this field, but maybe Fizz fears they will leave thousands of users stranded without a voice server during the switching process.

    I'm just speculating, best would be that Fizz clearly explain the difficulties involved in this process.

    Target for resolving the VoLTE migration is spring 2023. Until then we just have to be patient.

    In the meantime, people traveling to the USA who don't yet have access to VoLTE can sometimes still have access to T-Mobile's 2G GSM network for phone calls.

  • BEBE
    BEBE Posts: 154 ✭✭

    i have 2 servers in my basement, can i run that app on them?

  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    2023 Spring coming

  • magic_channel
    magic_channel Posts: 134 ✭✭

    They should do the migration on a Sunday early morning. Less traffic. People sleeping.

  • Stephen G. #32755
    Stephen G. #32755 Posts: 44 ✭✭

    My partner and I will be traveling to the US in May and we NEED voice and texts. We just purchased a new Pixel 7 with new VOLTE SIM card for her, from FIZZ, just so we will have voice and text on at least one phone. It DOES NOT appear that VOLTE is active on her account, even with a brand-new, Fizz purchased phone. What a waste of money! We should have just stuck to the old LG G6. I was really hopeful that this FIZZ purchased phone would connect to VOLTE immediately but it doesn't seem to be so.

    I also finally have the new SIM card for my Samsung S10e but VOLTE doesn't even show up as an option in the Mobile Network settings. Samsung S10e is VOLTE certified on Videotron, why the heck can't FIZZ handle it. I know you use the same networks.

    FIZZ, I'm a long-term customer now and I find it just ridiculous how long it is taking for this conversion. If the American cell providers can switch everyone over why can't you? We NEED our voice and text capabilities for the USA and we need it soon. Traveling last August without voice/text and only having data was not acceptable. Please, please, please, get your act together. We really don't want to consider other cell providers but not having USA phone capabilities is just silly. I hope you get us switched by sometime in April, prior to our May trip.

  • Derr
    Derr Posts: 6,688 ✭✭

    @Stephen G. #32755 it’s suppose to be this spring, I hope you get it before your trip… 🤞

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited February 2023

    @Stephen G. #32755

    Make sure your S10e has the latest updates. A VoLTE toggle switch should show up shortly on your phone. It popped up several days later on my A52 5G. But you won't get access to VoLTE yet, even with the LTE Sim card.

    You can always check in the About Phone section - Status information - Sim card Status

    You should see the Mobile Voice Network Type is LTE. Unfortunately, it doesn't work yet

    Remaining job is up to Fizz.

  • BEBE
    BEBE Posts: 154 ✭✭

    Spring ? Who said Spring? Im waiting in the cold winter until then ....

  • Derr
    Derr Posts: 6,688 ✭✭

    Fizz said spring

  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    How do I know weather I got VoLTE or not?

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭


    1. Disable your WiFi

    2. Check if you see LTE in your top status bar.

    3. Make a phone call, and check your top status bar.

    4. If LTE stays on the top status bar during the phone call, and after hanging up, you already have access to VoLTE. LUCKY FOR YOU!

    5. If LTE disappears from the top status bar during the phone call, or something else is displayed, say 3G, 4G, H, or anything other than LTE, you don't have access to VoLTE. JUST TOO BAD FOR YOU.

    LTE should reappear shortly after hanging up.

  • Derr
    Derr Posts: 6,688 ✭✭

    Thank you very much @ah727 ! Glad to know I got it!

  • kingTheod
    kingTheod Posts: 213 ✭✭

    statistically, how many clients do have access to LTE. seems very little according to many posts...

    maybe @Whizz can provide us some insights ? how is the roll out ?

    any relevant data to back your case ?


  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭


    I think all the new Fizz user since March 16 2022 now have access to VoLTE. But they probably don't know it.

    The ones that miss VoLTE are those traveling to the USA, if they are old users, and they have troubles connecting to T-Mobile's 2G GSM network for calls.

  • kokoboko
    kokoboko Posts: 363 ✭✭

    Lets be optimistic ! It is March ! Is spring right?

  • Derr
    Derr Posts: 6,688 ✭✭

    Not before March 21st!

  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    I've got only 4G

  • Derr
    Derr Posts: 6,688 ✭✭

    That’s too bad

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited March 2023

    @jiyingss 4G... it's probably HSPA+, a fast 3G.

    If you load Reseau Signal Info, or Network Signal Info (from Playstore) onto your phone, you will see what network and frequency band you are connected to.

  • Andrei_ref_R7VK1
    Andrei_ref_R7VK1 Posts: 8,900 ✭✭
    edited March 2023

    4G is the standard, LTE is just a successor of 3G. So in short 4G is better than LTE.


  • Derr
    Derr Posts: 6,688 ✭✭

    Thank you for the info, didn’t know that

  • Sébastien code ZXEL1
    Sébastien code ZXEL1 Posts: 8,031 ✭✭
    there is still no date for old subscribers

  • Andrei_ref_R7VK1
    Andrei_ref_R7VK1 Posts: 8,900 ✭✭

    Unfortunately no news.

  • Lolimo360
    Lolimo360 Posts: 15 ✭✭

    Yes! Great news!

  • Vasiok
    Vasiok Posts: 1,348 ✭✭

    Nope, not at all! There are still users that become clients after march 2022 ans still don't have VoLTE.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited March 2023


    "Nope, not at all! There are still users that become clients after march 2022 ans still don't have VoLTE"

    Hope they have a VoLTE compatible phone. If they do, and they checked it properly, they should talk to Fizz.

    The only reason I can see for not having VoLTE is no LTE signal in their area

  • Stephen G. #32755
    Stephen G. #32755 Posts: 44 ✭✭

    My Samsung S10e is fully updated for software, the new SIM card is installed, and the SIM card status mobile network type does indeed state LTE however their is no VOLTE tab to be found.

    My wife's new (purchased from FIZZ) Pixel 7 has a VOLTE tab but it is greyed out. We bought her the new phone since we were hoping to have at least one phone that would have actual phone/text service in the States when we travel but who knows? We likely just wasted money buying the phone since it seems FIZZ can't get their act together and active VOLTE for everyone.

    I like FIZZ overall but I am questioning the wisdom of staying with them if we can't use our phones in the States when travelling. I sure hope they have VOLTE enabled by May, when we plan to travel.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited March 2023

    @Stephen G. #32755

    According to Videotron, Samsung S10e is VoLTE. Unless Fizz states otherwise, it should also be VOLTE with Fizz.

    Fizz has not announced a specific VoLTE launch date yet. Let's hope the spring 2023 launch it will be way before June 21.

    It's not the best alternative, but T-Mobile's 2G GSM network is still available until April 2024. It's not the most reliable option for phone calls, but data connection will be available, and social media like Messenger, Google Meet, or Skype will be available. Skype phone cost is 3.1 cents per minute, and will allow access to land phones and voicemail.

  • FizzyFizz JQMPM
    FizzyFizz JQMPM Posts: 7,145 ✭✭

    I ordered the new voLTE sim card and it has been shipped already! Lets see how long will it take to have the volte service active for us old customers

  • Claude J. #27154
    Claude J. #27154 Posts: 146 ✭✭

    I would love to have a fizz emailbox that could work even when abroad

  • Derr
    Derr Posts: 6,688 ✭✭

    Yeah me too

  • mariefrance1998
    mariefrance1998 Posts: 46 ✭✭

    wow, great news!

  • FizzyFizz JQMPM
    FizzyFizz JQMPM Posts: 7,145 ✭✭

    Are there any news or an ETA of voLTE services for old customers?

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,244 admin

    Hello there FizzyWizz !

    We are still working on implementing the VoLTE services however we expect that in the following months, everyone who is subscribed to our Mobile Service will be using VoLTE.
    Stay tuned to our community posts and Social Media platforms for any further news!

    Have a wonderful day!
    -Paul 🖖

  • Derr
    Derr Posts: 6,688 ✭✭

    maybe not this spring after all…