Our mobile network is evolving.



  • ColinCreado
    ColinCreado Posts: 134 ✭✭

    ordered my card in august and still have not received my VoLTE SIM for both phone account.

  • MoYe
    MoYe Posts: 657 ✭✭

    Awesome , that's great

  • frankmar
    frankmar Posts: 8 ✭✭

    Guys it was fun being with the FIZZ Mobile, but going to the USA, I needed my phone line to work. So I switched to Bell small Business. If Fizz wasn't sleeping, cause they knew of the 3G was getting obsolete in the States, they could of switched their VOLTE cause plenty of Snow birds are leaving for the STATES and they need to call or receive calls. Videotron which is the parent co. their Mobile Network is working explain me why FIZZ is not.

    Tomorrow, if BEll doesn't fill my needs and FIZZ does, well, you'll see me back. Meantime I say GOODBYE.

  • RandallD
    RandallD Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Received invitation to order new lte sim. Received notice of delivery

    delay on 29 Sept. still waiting.

  • Olivier2022
    Olivier2022 Posts: 8 ✭✭

    Thanks you

  • Aerya1
    Aerya1 Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Just a quick update to let you know that I ended up receiving my new VoLTE SIM card at the end of October. I still haven't installed it yet because I'm going to the US soon and I'm afraid my phone won't work at all, while I was able to get very slow data in August, so I'd rather get slow data than no data at all. 🤔

  • Trevig
    Trevig Posts: 49 ✭✭

    Good News, thanks!

  • bobutac
    bobutac Posts: 8 ✭✭

    So Cool! 🙂

  • Gabriel1
    Gabriel1 Posts: 50 ✭✭

    Super, bonne nouvelle pour les abonnés!

  • I received an email with a link to order that new sim card, but the link just redirects me to my account's home page, and I don't see anywhere how to actually get that new sim card.

    What am I missing?

  • Dominic L. #1933
    Dominic L. #1933 Posts: 727 ✭✭

    Still haven't received the invitation. Do Fizz proceed by alphabetical order? Or by user seniority? I was in the first beta batch and still no contact (and nothing in my email junk box)

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭

    @Dominic L. #1933

    I think Fizz is prioritizing new users as VoLTE is available upon SIM card activation. I believe Fizz is not ready yet to switch old users (users prior to March 16 2022) from 3G to VoLTE yet.

  • Congratulations

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,105 admin

    Hello @Referral_code_UKS6U

    So sorry to hear that the link you received is not working. Please use this link instead and let us know if you can do the order : https://zone.fizz.ca/dce/customer-ui-prod/simcard/free-order?step=quantity

    Have a nice day.


  • Thank you Ionut @Whizz , this link worked and solved my issue!

  • magic_channel
    magic_channel Posts: 134 ✭✭

    im still on the 3g voice. when do we move to lte volte?

  • @Referral_code_UKS6U on est en lte ,,,,,a tu la carte sim LTE il a une éclair roure dessus a vérifier,,,, si a pas d'éclair rouge faux commendé une nouvel carte sim ,,,,, ton cell est tu réglé en LTE

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,105 admin

    Hello magic_channel,

    Thank you for the question. We are working to release the VoLTE services as soon as possible, however I am not able to provide you an estimation since other departments are dealing with the process and there need to be made tests first.In the meantime you can find more information from this FAQ: https://fizz.ca/en/faq/why-volte-important
    I am counting on your understanding that when it will be available we will make an official announcement for all our members.

    Have a great day,

  • JustinG
    JustinG Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Awesome news!

  • bobutac
    bobutac Posts: 8 ✭✭

    Great news, thank you!

  • Claude J. #27154
    Claude J. #27154 Posts: 146 ✭✭

    will the voice LTE use data for regular calls?

  • EricPD
    EricPD Posts: 181 ✭✭

    Technically, it’s data, but it doesn’t count in your data bucket

  • Claudia2727
    Claudia2727 Posts: 28 ✭✭

    c'est une excellente nouvelle ceci :)

  • kokoboko
    kokoboko Posts: 363 ✭✭

    yeap. checked. new subscribers with compatible phone and VoLTE works smooth.

  • uzedia
    uzedia Posts: 1,645 ✭✭

    Sorry, I must have got lost in the comments stream. Does this mean that we can now use Fizz on VoLTE in the US? Or what am I missing?

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,105 admin

    Hello uzedia,

    Depending on when your mobile plan was activated, the situation may be different. We are still working on fully implementing the VoLTE function for everyone, however,  we need a little more time. In the meantime, here is an FAQ with all the information you need to know about voice and texts in the United States https://fizz.ca/en/faq/why-do-some-calls-and-texts-when-us-not-work.

    Have a good one!

  • benakev
    benakev Posts: 11 ✭✭

    thanks a lot

  • Gabriel1
    Gabriel1 Posts: 50 ✭✭

    Super, bonne année!

  • Jacques_Assert
    Jacques_Assert Posts: 160 ✭✭

    My initial interest in VoLTE was so that I (and various other mobile accounts) could continue to make calls in the US, which has retired their 3G networks.

    I now have a VoLTE SIM in my phone, acquired by myself due to a clusterbleep from a failted port-out attempt.

    The new SIM does not appear to improve the situation for US calling.

    Is there a timeline for voice calling in the US?

    Should it be working now?

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited January 2023


    New information has been provided about VoLTE access. New FIZZ users (subscriptions after March 16 2022) now have access to VoLTE. Older users still have to wait, regardless of having a new SIM card.

    Sorry, I have only the French version of the notice.

  • Jacques_Assert
    Jacques_Assert Posts: 160 ✭✭

    That's just because the SIM cards were changed to support VoLTE. I've got the new SIM, but VoLTE still appears to be unavailable in the US with Fizz.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭


    Question : when did you join FIZZ?

    I joined Fizz sometime in 2019. I purchased a new LTE SIM card in April 2022 and activated it. I have a Samsung A52 5G but VoLTE is still not available for me.

    New users (users after March 16 2022) already have access to VoLTE in Canada and USA because they activated their account with Fizz after March 16 with a LTE SIM card and were immediately connected to the VoLTE voice server.

    Old users need to be disconnected from the 3G voice server BEFORE they can be connected to the VoLTE voice server. This seems to be a more complicated issue, and the process should be ready by spring 2023.

  • Jacques_Assert
    Jacques_Assert Posts: 160 ✭✭

    That makes more sense. They are rolling out VoLTE and a prerequisite is the new SIM, but it's not enough alone.

    But it's been half a year though and I'm still not been offered a SIM or access to VoLTE, and two friends with US & Canada plans (who would make sense to be at the front of the line) have also not been targeted. So spring 2023 can't come fast enough.

  • Telephono
    Telephono Posts: 35 ✭✭

    Yeah my Mom has the new sim card and still does not have access, and yet I as a new user do.

  • uzedia
    uzedia Posts: 1,645 ✭✭

    Hi, I am trying to figure out if my phone will work on the VOLTE network when I go to the US in March. I read through all the help documents again and have a question about the list of Volte certified phones. See https://fizz.ca/en/faq/compatible-devices#3

    I have a Motorola One Hyper bought in summer 2020. This phone does not appear on the list of certified phones. Does that mean that my phone won't support the VOLTE frequencies yet? I signed up with Fizz last Junly (2022) so I have the new SIM card. I also have the Canada/US plan. When I went to Vermont last October it wasn't working yet but I was able to use my data.


  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,105 admin

    Hello uzedia,

    I just did a quick search on Google, and it seems like the Moto one Hyper should be compatible with the VoLTE function, however, we cannot guarantee it, as at the moment it is indeed not listed on our FAQ. You could try to do some research or even reach out to customer service from Motorola, to see if they have genuine information.

    Have a good one!

  • SquikyBird
    SquikyBird Posts: 1,613 ✭✭

    Hope for wifi calling one day.

  • Bethnie
    Bethnie Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Great news thank you

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited January 2023


    "I have a Motorola One Hyper bought in summer 2020. This phone does not appear on the list of certified phones. Does that mean that my phone won't support the VOLTE frequencies yet?"

    Two answers:

    1. See Virgin Mobile's list of VoLTE compliant phones. I can't see why if your phone is VoLTE compliant with Virgin, it shouldn't be for Fizz.

    2. You are a new Fizz user (with Fizz after March 16 2022) so you should already be connected to the VoLTE voice server. And if VoLTE works for you in Quebec, it should also work in the USA.

    To check to see if VoLTE works on your phone:

    - disable Wifi

    - check your top status bar - should show LTE

    - Make a phone call. Status bar should show LTE DURING your phone call and after your phone call. If it's the case you have VoLTE. Your call has gone through a LTE network.

    - if top status bar shows 4G, 3G, or anything else, call has used a 3G network. No VoLTE yet.

  • uzedia
    uzedia Posts: 1,645 ✭✭

    Hello again, I took your advice and asked Motorola. The Hyper One is not VoLTE or 5G compatible. Does that mean that I will never be able to make phone calls via VoLTE unless I buy a new phone? Thank you!

  • uzedia
    uzedia Posts: 1,645 ✭✭

    Thank you! Unfortunately there is nothing mentioned in the status bar, neither VoLTE nor 4g or 3g network. Too bad!

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited January 2023


    You don't see the LTE in the top part of your screen? ( Close your Wifi when you check). During the call, LTE should stay there.

  • uzedia
    uzedia Posts: 1,645 ✭✭

    I checked again (with WiFi off and Mobile Data on) and I see LTE in the status bar but when I make a call, it changes to 3G or H+.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭


    3G or H+ is normal, calls are 3G unfortunately. If you subscribed to Fizz after March 16, 2022, you should have the new SIM card, and you should have VoLTE. There's something wrong here. Better check with Fizz support.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited January 2023


    Here's what Vidéotron has about your phone and VoLTE. If it works on Vidéotron network, it should work with Fizz...or there's something I'm missing.

  • Jam
    Jam Posts: 11 ✭✭

    On est le 21 janvier et je n’ai toujours pas reçu de message pour recevoir une nouvelle carte SIM, j’ai essayé le lien mentionné plus haut dans la discussion et ça me dit que mon compte n’est pas admissible à une carte 0$. Ce n’est pas clair dans toute les discussions que si tu installes ta nouvelle carte SIM tu puisses avoir accès aux appels et texto aux USA. Est ce qu’avec la nouvelle carte SIM ça va fonctionner ou faut il que Fizz ait terminé ses changements de je ne sais pas trop quoi pour que l’on puisse avoir accès aux appels et texto avec la carte SIM voLTE

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭


    Faites vous en pas, j'ai la nouvelle carte SIM dans mon téléphone depuis avril 2022, et je n'ai toujours pas accès à VoLTE. Seulement les nouveaux abonnés Fizz ( ceux qui se sont abonné à Fizz APRÈS le 16 mars 2022) qui ont accès à VoLTE. Les autres doivent attendre au printemps.

    Mais lorsque je vais aux États-Unis, j'ai quand même accès à un service d'appel téléphonique "aléatoire" en sélectionnant le fournisseur T-Mobile. Les appels utilisent le réseau 2G GSM de T-Mobile.