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My Mobile
Questions and answers about mobile services: data rollover, data gifting, the SIM card, activation, Add-ons, roaming, etc.
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Gifted data not showing up?I gifted data from one of my accounts to another however it hasn’t shown up anywhere yet. I later c…
My delivery is flagged as delivered but I haven’t received it.My delivery is flagged as delivered but I haven’t received it. What do I do?Order: 6801604564
Removed beta perks and connection issues?I joined the beta program with fizz and activated my SIM on October 30th. I initially went for a 4G…
Mobile plan without voice data and addon ?My son have a cell plan with Videotron for 25$ per month tax included for zero data, only unlimited…
Does anyone know when we'll be getting LTE coverage back?Have been stuck on 3G service since the blackout, has anyone gotten LTE service back? I'm located i…
Je n'ai plus acces a internet sur mon téléphone que ce passe t'il?Je n'ai plus d'internet sur mon cell et je ne suis pas capable d'avoir la bulle de chat pour avoir …
Long distance calls?I have Canada-US plan so I can call to the US but after 2-3 minutes I'm getting disconnected (I hav…
No LTE for iPhone X in DT Montreal?what is the problem here? i just switched to fizz today and i realized that there is no LTE anywher…
Fizz.. please fix our serviceAnyone else having issues with no data, no service and now dropped calls? Been going on for 2 week…
Update regarding upgrades and pricing?Just finished a chat with a Fizz agent (using the Fizz bubble, no less). 1) Promotional pricing wi…
Data not working?I installed the latest version of ios(12.1.1) and the carrier is 35.0. I cannot use my cellular dat…
it has been one month now no sim card yet?I ordered a sim card one month ago and have not received it yet, very disappointed.
Phone calls disconnect after 1 minute 38 secondsHi. On iphone, calls get disconnected after 1 minute 38 seconds of conversation. I get beeping soun…
New cell phone process?I'm getting a new cell phone. Can I get a second SIM card and have both phones active? If not, what…
My calls are being disconnected after about 1.5 minutesMy phone calls are being disconnected after about 1 minute 40 seconds. Before disconnecting, at ab…
A compiled list of my issues with Fizz. Where should I send them?So, since joining Fizz. I've found a number of issues with the website and the system. The receptio…
"Launch period" compensation?Might we be compensated for being part of the "launch period"? We are paying for a servic…
still 3G ?? What the heck is going on?According to their network status page : ( @ Saturday Decembe…
Any idea when the Inability to receive SMS from Google bug will be resolved?As stated somewhere in the site: Fizz is currently working to resolve the following issues within t…
How to reactivate the simHow to re-activate the sim after ordering a new sim again
Do addons have introductory pricing as well?Do addons have introductory pricing as well?
carrier has left the package contaning my SIM card outside of building and has written on your websiThe carrier has left the package containing my SIM card outside of building and has written on your…
works on Iphone 5c?i'm reading about not working on iphone 5. but the iphone 5s? i know iphone 5 had problemas with co…
Data in the US not working?I have the US Canada plan so I'm supposed to be able to us Data. I'm in New Jersey rn and the data …
Transfer from public mobile seemingly not going through?Hi, just wondering whether I can track the status of a transfer. I've activated my Fizz sim card ro…
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