How long can I keep saved voicemail messages?
When you do the saving, it should tell you for long it will save it for, my guess is.
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At this time the system doesn't tell you how long messages will be saved. I saved a couple of messages and will soon find out.
What I want to know is if saved messages count against the 10 message quota Fizz states that can be in the voicemail box. I guess only time will tell us.15 -
Assume at least as long as Fido / Rogers (3 days).14
Is the limit 30 minuites?8
How having voicemail holding messages for 30 minutes be useful at all. It makes nonsense. Don't forget we are paying for that.7
Can anyone that have a saved msg more than 3days confirm that it will be saved at least for 3days? My old provider Cityfone will say msg will be saved for 5days. Fizz doesn't say how long it will keep.3
I had a message in my voicemail that was 12 days old. Still there. I love it! No more 3 days at Fido.4
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