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My Mobile
Questions and answers about mobile services: data rollover, data gifting, the SIM card, activation, Add-ons, roaming, etc.
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Amber Alert: First Test for Fizz Network ?I received an Amber alert in Ottawa this evening at around 5:00. This is a positive note for the Fi…
No mobile # to portI don’t have a cell # to port. Will Fizz provide me with one when I subscribe?
VOLTE in the future?Will Fizz bring VOLTE calling feature on IPhone?
Will my 250mb free upgrade data be used first or my 1gb plan data be used first?Will my 250mb free upgrade data be used first or my 1gb plan data be used first? I currently only s…
Unable to gift dataI am trying to gift my data but I keep getting the error: "this plan currently doesn't have en…
Dropped calls 1min40sec?Occasionally calls are being dropped at 1min40sec. Loud beep many seconds before calls drop. Very i…
Latin America service provider in Chile March 2019Hi everyone, It appears that the provider for travel add-on for Latin America specifically in Chile…
Anyone else not receiving text messages from 2-factor auth systems, including but not limited to OffBecause I'm not. I see a couple questions about this from 4 and 2 months ago. What is the status on…
Why can't a make calls, text or use data in the us after I filled my wallet?I filled up my wallet before leaving. Now that I am in Los Angeles, I can receive texts, but cannot…
I’m from Ottawa now I’m in Toronto my fizz show FizzEXT LTEMy fizz showing EXT LTE is this roaming charge for data? I know it shows when I do Speedtest LTE Vi…
Why does Europe 1Gb travel add-on doesn't work? (Followup)Here is a quick followup on my support request about Europe Travel Data Add-on. Finally, it took 4 …
Gofting data to memeber eithout data an?Can I gift data to a member who does not have a data plan. Someone who just has texting? Want to…
In my plan I have unlimited messaging. However, I'm not able to receive any messages.How can I fix tI'm not able to receive any messages. How can I fix this?
I changed my mobile plan, why this month still charge me the same amont like last month?I changed my mobile plan, why this month still charge me the same amont like last month?
Will two-factor work with less popular websites?I need to know if two-factor will work with less popular websites ? I heard that it won't work with…
Can I use international VISA card with my Fizz account?Can I use my Visa card issued in China to pay Fizz service? Anybody use visa card issued by China …
temporary service cancelI leave Canada for one month.Can I disconnect my phone and reconnect after I come back?
New SIM card doesn't work, tried on two phones?Hi, I tried installing my Sim card on two different phones but none sees that there's even a sim ca…
How can I have '500 min. of International calls' to Peru included in my plan?I want to have 500 minutes of calls to Peru in my plan
A real human to help me (anyone but Mike)Can a real human from Fizz help me, Mike I don't need your suggestions, please stay away? The chat …
what is the reward for each level when we upgrade on fizz ?i mean level 1 i got 250mb level 2 i got 500 mb level 3 i got free voice mail can you guys tell me …
Updated my plan to 4GB but after the new month started, usage area still shows 1gb availabilityAs the title says, I updated my two plan to 4GB data per month as we ran out of data the previous m…
Is Fizz's plan with Unlimited province-wide calling a good one?Thinking of signing up some family members. Anyone signed-up for the $15 Talk-only plan care to…
What is the most economical plan for unlimited texting?Family member plans to use the phone mostly in Quebec. What is included/excluded with Fizz's $1…
Why can't I see my free upgrade usage?I'm in my second month using Fizz, and i have 1gb of data usage in my plan. However i also have a f…
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