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My Mobile
Questions and answers about mobile services: data rollover, data gifting, the SIM card, activation, Add-ons, roaming, etc.
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why can i not send and receive text messages even if i have unlimited text messages?why can i not send and receive text messages even if i have unlimited text messages?
Can I get back part of the fee of my plan?I paid a new round of bills on June 27, the plan is $35.02. However, I converted my sim card to Fid…
Canada coverage rate increaseCanada coverage for unlimited calls was $9.00 and in August, it increased to $12. Why wasn't I inf…
I updated my payment method but I cannot select make a payment. the option is in grey and I cannot chow do I make the payment?
would anybody be willing to gift a poor soul some data?i ran out of data this month since i wasnt able to get an installation appointment for anytime befo…
How to unlock carrier so my sim will work in iphone????My Phone displays a message that the carrier is locked and that i can't use my sim card... What do …
Lack of dataWhat happens if you run out of data? Any risk of overcharge?
there is 2 g on my mobile but i can not access my internetlast mont i can use my mobile dada without questions. I did not change anything on my Iphone. My da…
Does fizz offer reduced speed data after all mobile data in plan is used up?Once i have used the one gig of data in my plan, do i continue at reduced speed? or do i have to ad…
Beta member looking to upgrade old sim card to newer model sim card (keeping my price and phone numbLong story short I want to swap my SIM card with the newer model SIM card. I ordered the new SIM ca…
Hello. I live in Montreal and am planning to buy a Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Pro. Will it be compatible withIs Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Pro compatible to have Fizz coverage?
My account was frauded!!!!An order that I can't cancel for 2 sim cards was just processed on my FIZZ associated credit card. …
Why do I sometimes loose all signal for no apparent reason?Like 3 hours ago, everything was 100% fine. Now, can't call/text. Nothing works. I DO have signal. …
Transfer existing phone number from Bell to Fizz?Hello, I am trying to port my existing number from Bell to Fizz; however, I am unable to do so due …
how to call to China?i want to know how to call to China. thanks.
Australia long distanceI have the add on long distance for Australia. It shows that I have 463 minutes left. I cannot mak…
where's the invoice?I got a call from a friend from Romania that he's getting calls from me. I checked the call history…
How does the data usage meter work?Hi. Maybe a stupid question, but I'm trying to understand how is it possible that I already have 1M…
When does fizz start to sell phones?I see on my account that they is is a beta test to buy phone with Fizz but I can't access to the pa…
Can't respond to question ?Is it just me, I can't see the respond button to be able to respond to questions. And i'm logged on.
Install App ?Each time I log on to my account, there is a message asking me if I want to install the Fizz applic…
Upgrade does not applies, I had 250mb pending activation, trying to switch it for 500mb but nothingUpgrade does not applies, I had 250mb pending activation, trying to switch it for 500mb but nothing…
Question about upgrade?I don't have a data plan, but received data upgrades. It let me add them in the slots, but I don't …
Which data is taken first? the upgrade data or the data you are given?Quick question. Say someone has 250MB data and i give him 500MB data. I know that the 250MB CAN ro…
Does given data roll over?If i give some data to someone, will this data rollover if it's not used during the month?
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