I don't have voicemail yet,but thanks for the info that would be a nice feature request
do you see Fizz LTE or 3G, do voice calls work?
yes I think there are some other ones I checked and somehow they come and go
did you restart the phone ? is the bill paid?
I would really like all that but also and mostly an app so we can see all the info easily from the phone instead of using a browser bookmark and login in every couple of days
also you might want to calculate how much data/voice you will use to see which of the 2 options is better for you
yes, you need to wait for the billing cycle to end so it will take effect. In the meantime as suggested above your best option is to load money in the wallet or to get a travel plan add on
I will try it on my next travel down south!
same issue here, but for what I read, seems like if you change your data plan, roll over resets. Not sure if that is how it is supposed to work but it happened to me and other users ...
there is something weird with the transactions, I know I sent SMS and got charged for it but there are no transactions showing up in my wallet, the balance decreased correctly though. And yes, another user mentioned weird transactions when he was roaming even though his plan was covering the roaming area.
Sure, each SIM is independent, however based on how the referral works is probably more convenient to have them under different accounts.
I am pretty sure you can call anywhere, however I am not clear about long distance charges
did you try to call from the fizz number to the other phones? does it show the right number in the caller ID? or is the problem both ways?
mine was not Canada post, it was a private company. Based on that they will not go to your community mail box, and direct to your address
Yes, best option is to contact them to set up a manual porting
I can confirm that it worked for me with international SMS under the unlimited SMS plan. When you don't have that it will get deducted from your wallet if you have money in it
ya the history of the wallet is a really needed feature so you can dispute the charges
I had unlimited SMS before and was able to send/receive intenational SMS. I changed to no-SMS plan and loaded money in my wallet, and I was also able to receive/send international SMS Adding money to your wallet (If you don't have unlimited SMS in your plan) is the way to go.
Not yet, they just replied to my message telling me that they are opening a ticket. For now I still can not see my data usage.
Do you have iphone? If so did you get the carrier update? If android, did you setup the APN?
In my case it says 2Gb and even though I use it, it doesn't move, I guess there is something in this cycle that needs to be synced
I also have some issues with my data stats in the page, I ended up sending a message over facebook
I found that facebook or the chat bubble work best for me. If you change plans again and the price shows what you want, you should be OK, however if you already did the change and it didn't take it, I recommend you better contact them to make sure all is OK. You really want to avoid changing the plan again and find a nasty…
Kudos randomly show for me with 1 pt but not always ...
If you look at the activity best answer is not 50 pts I think it was 25