Thank you. Yes, everything is configured correctly on my phone. Chat was less than helpful, but they've now opened a ticket.
You need access to his account to pay his bill.
@Fizzy Thanks for the link, but I'm pretty happy with my current phone. It works fine and the battery still lasts all day. . I did find an app that will broadcast emergency alerts, so I'll just install that.…
My phone is on Android 6.0, so not new but not ancient. Acer liquid zest plus. I don't know if it was on LTE at the time of the alert or not since I wasn't looking at it. @Fizzy Thanks for the link. According to the list for compatible phones under Videotron, my phone isn't on the list, so I guess that may be why I don't…
Contact chat. This happens sometimes. Their programs are glitchy. If you contact support they can get it unlocked for you. I just had to do this for 2 bonuses that were pending since February/March.
Is there a message in your account? Problem with your credit card?
When you subscribe to home internet, you don't get confirmation of the referral until the internet is installed. At least, that's how it worked when I referred my son earlier this month. He set it up mid-May, but the referral didn't show up for either of us until the installation was finished.
Yes, it is normal. If you put in a referral code when you signed up, it is also normal that you don't get notice of the referral until your service is installed and activated. (that was a recent surprise to me)
I have not had any referrals unlock since they made some changes to the way the referrals are displayed. I think they've introduced a new bug into the system.
Their level update is buggy, like many of their systems.
I have had no referrals unlocked since they updated the system. I think they broke something.
Depends on what you want. For my kids, public mobile is better. Under $15 month for unlimited texting, enough minutes that they never run out (because teens text constantly) and enough data (250mb/month) to use the bus app, google maps or fb messenger while out of the house. They're pretty generous with gifts of data and…
I don't know if my referrals are missing or not, but I know that adding up all the months paid by referral credits gives a substantially lower total than the amount of referral credit they say has been used up.
Mine are now back, but the numbers are off by about $50 compared to adding up my receipts. So Fizz says I've used $50 more referral credits than I actually have. Very frustrating.
More fun with Fizz! I'm sure it's just yet another glitch and bonuses will return in a few hours or tomorrow.
I prefer to pay by the month, but yes, it would be nice if there was a way to put money in the account in advance that would then just be deducted to pay the bill.
@MichelP You are correct that Fizz does not offer this service. This is not, however, simply because it is prepaid. My kids have prepaid accounts with public mobile and I can see who they're texting and calling on the account website. Fizz just chooses not to make this service available.
@Rachon The problem with checking the status of services page is that they don't update it frequently enough. Even while recognizing on the community forums that they were having problems with calls cutting off, they never once changed the status of services page. It always said that services were fully functional.
Restart your phone and let Fizz know if it keeps happening. They claimed the problem was solved a little while ago.
@Whizz Why does your status page say services are fully functional if this is a known problem that has been happening for many people for several days?
C'est un problème avec Fizz recentement. Plusieurs ont plainté. Essayez avec votre cell en mode 3G.
Many other people have mentioned the same thing is happening to them. So far, the only suggestion from Fizz is to put your phone into 3G and see if that helps.
It seems to be a problem on Fizz's end of things, but definitely report it to their customer service people. They seem to be very slow to admit there is a problem and underestimate the full extent of the problem if it isn't reported to them multiple times.
If I look on Chrome, my transaction history is chronological. If I look in Firefox, it's like yours. I have no good explanation beyond slightly inadequate website coding.
The sim may be defective or the phone may be locked.