Did you try working the shaft ?
Skip to main content PP How do I update my payment method or credit card information? To add a payment method. To associate a card with a plan. Any issues? Adding a credit card or updating your payment method is easily done via your account. If your credit card is about to expire, you’ll receive a notification from us in…
I'm not sure how too get another VPN ?
Congratulations !!
PP I’m having problems transferring my current phone number to Fizz. Why? What can I do? If you are having difficulty transferring your phone number to Fizz, we will work with you to fix the problem. Depending on the situation, you may need to choose a new number. Either way, the issue needs to be resolved within one…
Très gentil !
Only online no customer service
Have the same problem! Would've loved that 100$ perk !!
It should be done automatically.
Ok thanks for that !
Frustrant comme situation !
Quand je fais le test avec Fizz, c'est toujours plus haut que mon forfait. Quand je fait le test de vitesse sur mon PS4 ça varie beaucoup dépendant de l'heure de la journée. Je crois que l'application Fizz donne pas le bon résultat.
What's the topic?
I phone .. there's the problem 😅😅 jk
Excellent !
Don't know i'm on my work Wi-Fi for the moment, in a way i'm happy too see i'm not the only one. Was also thinking it was my phone 😑😑
Wish this perk was up ween i bought my phone 2 monts ago ...
Service down
Aucun raison pourquoi c'est arrivé??
Same problem here
Worth trying loll TTQXH
I have a problem with my mobile data , keeps turning off and on .... maybe it's a network problem for both or situations.
Wrong password?
Already did !
Love it !