How will Fizz resolve broken voLTE SIM?

kurapika312 Posts: 7 ✭✭
edited October 2023 in My Mobile

8 days ago Fizz sent me a voLTE SIM card to replace my outdated SIM card. I followed the transfer procedure. The result is that: since then I haven't been able to access the Internet.

I contacted Fizz live agents several times, confirming that my phone works normally (before I used my wife's voLTE SIM card on my phone and it worked fine). I also used the new SIM on 3 other compatible phones, but it didn't work on any of them.

Fizz gave me a ticket for 8 days. Since then, there hasn't been any feedback from Fizz. No plan, no resolution.

One of their agents even suggested I buy a new SIM and activate it as "her personal resolution". I want to transfer my current phone number, not just "have a new SIM".


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