Fizz forces me to pay for the free benefizz

aype Posts: 7 ✭✭

This is truly annoying. Like all of you, I have earned dollar and data benefizz over the months and I have applied them to my plan. Currently, I am level 5 and my 3 benefizz activated are $1, 500Mb and 250Mb

However, every month, Fizz add more "gifts" to my account AND invoice me for them. Here is a peak from my latest bill:

As you can see, they add by themselves, 4 times the 500Mb and 2 times the 250Mb, and only rebate one 500Mb and one 250Mb.

I contacted them the first time it happened, they opened a ticket on May 5th and I got reimbursed. But they did it again in June and this time, customer service pushed back. They refused to reimburse me because "the ticket was still open, and we needed to let the investigation run its course," despite the fact that there had been no activity on the ticket since early May. So I forced them to make a note that it had happened again in the ticket and that's why there is a so-called "update" in my ticket on the June 6th.

Now, we are a month later again, no activity has happened on the ticket since and I have a strong feeling that in a few days, they will steal from me again.

So in short, what can I do to stop this nonsense since customer service basically refuses to act until the ticket is resolved and no real investigation is happening?

