Why are the support wait times so excessive?

@Whizz, more importantly, shouldnt a queue count down instead of randomly going up by several digits at a time?
there must be a lot of people
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With Fizz you should be patient.
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Every time anyone has to contact support there are a lot of people? Maybe they should hire more support staff since the interface sucks.
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when the robot puts you on hold, you must write nothing more, you must wait for it to write to you
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I was a few hours ago when I started trying to pay my bill, but this is getting into the realm of infuriating.
I would like to go to sleep but if i do so I'll be without a phone because fizz are incompotent
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so thats why the queue keeps going backwards?
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You can add your suggestions in this post:
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@Whizz, ok now I'm really really pissed off, I just went from 1 to 52 in the queue. WTF IS THIS?!?!?!
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any employee log on here and just be straight, tell me fizz actively disrespects their clients and I'll quit trying to give you my money
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seriously though, why is the queue constantly sending me backwards? Is it because I'm using this forum? I'm about to have an aneurysm here.
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no no on the chat I speak
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then why have I been cycling through the support queue for hours?!
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I don't know it's ever happened to me the most I've waited is 45 minutes
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I got on around 7, this is beyond insulting as a client.
@Whizz wtf is going on with this? How can this be normal? How can you be proud to work at a place that ignores people like this?
What really pisses me off is that they wont accept my payment all of a sudden so if I cant speak to someone by midnight I'll surely be charged a reactivation fee due to the astonishing incompetence of Fizz support.
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Sorry to hear you are having problems with your payment.
Are you trying to update your payment?
You think we can guide you!? 🤞
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I'm trying to make a payment but fizz is convinced that all my cards are attched to a non existant home internet so I cannot delete them nor make my payment. Aside from trying to pay I have been trying to contact support for almost 2 and a half hours now.
I was trying to make a payment, now I just want to speak to support to tell them that I'm cancelling for any other phone company. At least Bell PRETEND to care about their customers.
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@Sébastien code ZXEL1 do you know any other employees I can tag to try and get the ball rolling? Is support even open rn?
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if your payment is due by midnight your mobile plan will be deactivated
that means you can't transfer the number to bell tomorrow
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support open 24/7
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i'll take a new number and fizz can stick this one where ever they would like