you have to do the 7 level we don't give up
I need 107 pts to jump into level 6. How can I get the points soon?
you have to do the 7 level we don't give up
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Level 7 is too far from me 😅
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One step at the time!
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I thought I would have stop participating at the forum once I reached level 5 but I am still here... 😎
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kind of addictive right? 😉
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Just because I want more and more bonuses... I takes a lot of time though...
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yes it does...
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Same here 🤣.
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Let's keep it up then, guys!
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I need much more
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How much???
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Thank you for participating at this forum 😁
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I need 8,944 pts for the next level 😉
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With an average of 100 points a day, that’s only 3 months!
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yes a little work to do 😅
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@Derr math is correct. You can do it!
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just a little... lol
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Be active on the forum.
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Best advice honestly...
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Yes thank you for this post I did not know how much we earn in the forum.
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Sharing this kind of info is the main goal of this forum so, enjoy!
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I believe that this post can be closed
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I agree...
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Hopefully you got the points
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@Whizz I think you can close this post...
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Best of luck on getting to your goal!
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That's a good one! I love it! 🤣
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I'm 1400 pts away!
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To what level
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Level 6!!!
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You need 8944/3=2981.3 answers to reach it😆
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Better win some badge or earn some best answer bonus... otherwise it's gonna take some time
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I didn't calculate it; it's probably not worth the effort.
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Use referral to attract customers
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referrals, gifting data, answering questions
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Very concise... correct tho
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Answering in a bunch of discussions is tedious but probably the most immediate way 😅
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For this point, is it just any discussion or a specific moderation thread or something? When are the points given becaus ei never noticed an extra 50pts?
- 50pts for participating in the forum each month
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He meant 50 pts if you access to the forum every single day of one month... you can find them here:
- click on my account
- click on the star symbol
- click on my goals
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Omg I never noticed where this was it's so well hidden!!
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Yeah, the UI of that part of the forum is a bit weird
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Yes, 👍 It's the every month!
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That's awesome thank you!!
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Yep, every month!
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Do this exactly. You'll make it. Then you can open a bottle of champagne like that other jabroni who said once he gets to level 5 that's what he's doing.
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Participate in the community, you will receive:
- 3 points for replying to a question
- 50 points for getting the first Best answer
- 50 points for each month that you are active
You will also receive points for earning various badges.
On your Fizz account, you will receive:
- 10 points for each $ paid on your monthly plan.
- close to 3 points for each $ spent at the Fizz mobile shop here:
- 3 points every time you gift data from your mobile plan:
- 200 points for each confirmed referral:
Here are also some links giving you some additional details: &
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Just write some comments! With your posts you are on the right way
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Thank you for your comment. what is your reward level?
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Level 10 in my account
19th position in forum
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Pascal the boss ! 😎