I need 107 pts to jump into level 6. How can I get the points soon?

I need 107 pts to jump into level 6. How can I get the points soon?
You are better answering questions, check this category https://forum.fizz.ca/en/categories/break-room
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participate in forums
- 3pts by replying to a discussion
- 50pts for participating in the forum each month
- 50pts by getting the first accepted solution
- 50pts per badge
- 10pts per $ by paying an invoice
- Give data
- Put money in your Fizz wallet / Pay the bill 10 points per $
- 200pts for referral pays his 2nd invoice (Use of reference codes)
Here is the guide https://fizz.ca/en/faq/what-what-the-program-my-rewards
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Participate in the forum!
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You can easily make 107 points in 2 or 3 days
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Yes, it is a great idea...
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I believe easily in a day, 33 posts
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Thank you......
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I would like to make it today 😉
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I agree, but for most people, 30+ post is a little bit too much I think…
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I am trying. sorry for some questions 😁
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4 times for the referral (2 in french, 2 in english), answering to the open post, with phrases such thank you for the information, I didn't know about it, thank you for sharing, etc not to difficult
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Keep going like that and you’ll get it in less than 60 minutes!!
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I just need 88 pts more
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Yeah you’re right
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Thank you.............
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maybe it works
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Look for all the open questions, you will get in an hour
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where are the open questions?
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Check here https://forum.fizz.ca/en/ all the question without the Answered tag
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Click on « discussions » and you’ll see a bunch of posts that you can reply too
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Thank you...................
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Thank you.................
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No problem!!
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@RZA by the way, you can post on the French forum too: https://forum.fizz.ca/fr/discussions
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You can do it easily in 1-3 days by participating in the forum.
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which one is more active? French or English?
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For 30 posts, you will have enough on the english
It depends on from the day
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Yes, I am trying and I am in the middle of the way. Thank you for helping me
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It seems you are the best at participating in the forum
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It’s quite the same but I’d say that the English one has been more active lately
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I think the same.
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Yes, I think so
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It's true, one of the reasons is that English forum is automatically opens for everyone despite language settings on your computer/phone/tablet, etc.
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when you go to the site there should be a choice to make French or English to select and you enter the site after
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I know this, but not all users do.
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fizz should meter this option
in reality we come across a page we select French or English after we enter the forum
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I think it was reported by many users already long time ago but it's still not fixed.
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@RZA you manage to do it
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Totally agree
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I think he’s about to reach level 7 😂
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Why not? It's just a matter of time.
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Yes, absolutely!
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I need 600 points before the end of the month for level 3. I will do it 3 points at the time.
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Keep it up!!
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You can do it!
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For OP, 107 points is doable in just one day only posting on the forum, 3 points at the time!
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Don't worry for the OP, he made almost 200 points that day!
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Thanks, I work on it !
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Yeah, Thank you
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No problems, don't give up this forum 🙂.