No internet after moving

AlexS5377 Posts: 1 ✭✭
edited February 2023 in Internet

Hi, I used the website to plan my move.

the internet at my old address was disabled at the correct date. However after plugging everything correctly at my new address, I don’t have any connection. The router shows the up and down arrows (upload/download I guess) light flashing.


Best Answer

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 19,296 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello there AlexS5377!

    I took a peek at your account and saw that the reason your internet wasn't working at that time is because the technician hasn't arrived yet.
    When members wish to move, we provide the time table for an appointment with the technician because they will need to come, verify if the new address has everything needed for your modem to work and lastly, but not least of all, validate the address in our system. It is only after this that your internet is good to go. 

    Here's our FAQ about this:

    I hope that you will enjoy your plan at the new address! 


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