BEBE Posts: 154 ✭✭

Anybody in the US testing if VoLTE works ?

Please update here.

Best Answers

  • BEBE
    BEBE Posts: 154 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    no updates here? nobody a new experience ?

  • Roger I.
    Roger I. Posts: 23 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Interesting. I just received an email from Fizz saying I have used my phone too much outside of the Fuzz home area and I could be cut off. I am in Florida. I always connect to the airport and hotel WiFi if possible. At the house I always connect to WiFi. So what are they talking about? This is near insulting. No voice calls, but I am using the phone to much. Boy, they really are trying to drive people away.



  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited June 2022

    I will be in the USA next week, and I will check.

    I also have a post in english under Break room, and in French under Le 5 à 7

  • magic_channel
    magic_channel Posts: 134 ✭✭

    Any news guys with your VoLTE Roaming in US?

  • magic_channel
    magic_channel Posts: 134 ✭✭

    wondering when Fizz let us know what is going on.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited June 2022

    I traveled in Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Connecticut lately.

    What I can say is that the roaming mobile provider you will use in these states is T-Mobile (unable to connect AT&T). T-Mobile has a pretty good 4G LTE coverage, and for calls, T-Mobile stills uses the old 2G GSM networks until the end of 2022 which is OK, since these networks were designed for calls. Along with these 2G voice networks you also have the 2G EDGE data networks which are terribly slow, and sometimes take over the faster 4G LTE networks, which is rather frustrating. Often I had to put my phone in airplane mode for 15 seconds, and take airplane mode off to kick out the EGDE 2G data network.

    On the right on the top status bar, you should see an "e" indicating you are using 2G EDGE data networks. Otherwise, for 4G LTE, the status bar shows 4G, or LTE, and sometimes just R for roaming.

    This hassle will maybe be over once Fizz goes to VoLTE. (Voice over LTE)

  • Roger I.
    Roger I. Posts: 23 ✭✭

    I was in Florida in the spring, around the time that ATT shutdown their 3G network.

    I first, I was using ATT (as I normally do), and was able to make calls using VoLTE. I thought that's good. However, my phone switched to T-Mobile at some point (and I was unable to switch back). Once I was on T-Mobile there was no voLTE, so my phone switched to 3G. On the drive home, it would sometimes even switch to their 2G network to make calls. I am assuming Fizz did this to avoid any problems with lack of connectivity once ATT shutdown their 3G network.

    The question is; what will happen in 2 weeks when T-Mobile shuts down their 3G network? Have we had any statement from Fizz? Hopefully, Fizz will fully support voLTE both at home and in the US.

    PS. I have tested my phone at the cottage when it is on the Bell network. No voLTE there, and Bell does support voLTE.

    Com on Fizz, get with the program!

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited June 2022

    @Roger A. #26587@Roger I.

    AT&T having dropped 3G and 2G last spring, it was no longer an option for Fizz, I think. T-Mobile still supports 2G for calls, at least until the end of 2022. In June, in North Eastern USA, it was impossible for me to connect to AT&T any more.

    I think AT&T is no longer a Fizz option.

    Honestly, I haven't witness VoLTE through US providers.

  • Roger I.
    Roger I. Posts: 23 ✭✭

    I was surprised when I was able to use VoLTE on ATT while in the Florida. But, I double checked and it was working.

    I am hoping that Fizz allows us back on the ATT network once T-Mobile closes it's 3G network. For me ATT always works well, while T-Mobile is a bit hit and miss. And in some places in the US has no signal.

    Has there been any official word from Fizz about VoLTE support and roaming in the US?

  • magic_channel
    magic_channel Posts: 134 ✭✭

    thank you for info Roger I. Still waiting for official news....

  • Roger I.
    Roger I. Posts: 23 ✭✭

    I just ordered and installed a new SIM card.

    I can confirm it still does NOT allow VoLTE in Ontario.

    I will be going to Florida in a few weeks. I will report back what I find. I am hoping the phone, at least, works. If it does not, I will be pretty upset.

    Also, Fizz should be more open about what's going on with VoLTE. Trying to keep quiet is not severing anyone, including Fizz.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited June 2022

    @ Roger I.

    In Ontario, I believe Rogers Fizz partner offers VoLTE to their customers. I don't expect VoLTE in the USA until Fizz goes to VoLTE in Quebec.

  • Roger I.
    Roger I. Posts: 23 ✭✭

    Just got a email message from Fizz. It states there will be no voice call or texting in the US starting in July. All they say is we can change our plan! Great news. What about supporting VoLTE!

  • Jess_i88b6
    Jess_i88b6 Posts: 14,288 ✭✭

    Hi @Roger I. this is a very bad management, it is almost a year that the news was out saying the in the USA the 3G will be shut down in March 2022, AT&T and T-Mobile pushed till the end of June.

    Fizz discovered it today :D

  • Roger I.
    Roger I. Posts: 23 ✭✭

    It's been several years since it has been know about the shutdown of 3G. I believe, the date has even been pushed back at least once.

    The most disappointing thing about the post is; there is no sense that Fizz is even working on the problem, or even cares. Clearly, I don't understand what the problem is. But both ATT and T-Mobile support VoLTE. So it should be possible to have us use it! Is it a technical issue, or a contract problem with the US carriers?

    I can cope without voice, but I need text. I use it for 2FA for several services, for example, banking.

  • Jess_i88b6
    Jess_i88b6 Posts: 14,288 ✭✭

    Hi @Roger I.

    I believe that short answer is, Fizz doesn't have a VoLTE ready.

    Probably Fizz needs, on their end, an infrastructure to manage the VoLTE calls

  • BEBE
    BEBE Posts: 154 ✭✭

    I cant believe what I'm reading.

  • Malay
    Malay Posts: 5 ✭✭

    I agree with everyone. This is bad service. Fizz didn’t “know” till today? How can that possibly be? Sounds like this was badly managed and they won’t do anything about it.

  • Elizabeth H. #13418
    Elizabeth H. #13418 Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Yeah of course change our plan for one more expensive…

  • Roger I.
    Roger I. Posts: 23 ✭✭

    Well it's the 1st July. Happy Canada Day.

    I would be interested to hear from anyone currently in the US, as to whether their phone has stopped working. I really would like some confirmation before I pull the plug on Fizz. I have been with them since the very start. So I suffered though the early days, but the price is right. The service has never worked great, but good enough for me (I am retired).I like supporting the little guy, but they need to support me, too.

    I doubt T-Mobile will turn off the 3G signal everywhere, all at once.

  • magic_channel
    magic_channel Posts: 134 ✭✭

    I think the will shutdown all 3G from HLR one time. Lets see. Anybody in US?

  • AlexB
    AlexB Posts: 128 ✭✭
    edited July 2022

    There are people on the Fizz subreddit reporting today (July 1) that both calls and SMS work fine in the US over LTE on both AT&T and T-Mobile.

    I guess Fizz sent that email because not everyone has the new SIM card yet, but they could have worded their email to be more clear if that's the case.

  • zadigre
    zadigre Posts: 10 ✭✭

    I'm the one posting on Reddit! 😉

    yes all went well this weekend when I was in and on my way to/from Syracuse.

    I was roaming on AT&T and T-Mobile. I was able to make VoLTE calls on both. SMS worked fine also.

    It only dropped to 3G once for one of my call (LTE signal was very low)... and the call failed. but it went back to LTE within a few seconds and it worked well after that.

  • LeeL
    LeeL Posts: 18 ✭✭

    @zadigre -did you have a VoLTE SIM? I’m travelling to the US in 2 weeks (North Carolina) and wondering if I should try and push for a new sim beforehand and/or whether that would affect my service in Ottawa.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited July 2022

    @LeeL I had an old Sim card when traveling back to Canada thru I-81last april, and things went pretty well - good LTE connexion on Android Auto all the way from Richmond to Canada, but no VoLTE, calls thru 3G networks

    I had a new Sim card when traveling in North eastern USA 2 weeks ago, thru routes I-91, I-93, I-495, I-395 and service was just OK, often lost LTE signal , and it was replaced by really slow 2G EDGE network. No VoLTE - the new Sim card DIDN'T MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE. But at least, you can still make calls using T- MOBILE 2G GSM networks.

    The worst part was coming back using I-89 and I-91 from Concord Nh to St- Johnsbury Vt...NO NETWORK AT ALL! But it's not new, In 2019, networks were same, or worse on this route.

    Conclusion: new Sim card...won't change anything, for now. But get it anyways, won't hurt.


    a new Sim card since

  • Jacques_Assert
    Jacques_Assert Posts: 160 ✭✭

    Remember that Fizz is the Videotron flanker brand. They exist in order to compete with Videotron competition without forcing Videotron to change pricing.

    For customer's with higher expectations and needs, Fizz does not have an incentive to help because Videotron can still serve those people, and they are not as price sensitive.

    Not trying to single out Fizz or Videotron. Virgin/Bell, Koodo/Telus, and Fido/Rogers all do the same thing.

  • LeeL
    LeeL Posts: 18 ✭✭
    edited July 2022

    @zadigre thanks. This is such a disaster for me….I had joined FIZZ specifically for this reason -to keep my Canadian number when roaming in the US (without having to fork over to Rogers/Bell…we have a place in S Florida and spend ++ time there)…

    So, forgive me for my clueless-ness 🤪…..am I correct in assuming that if I request a new VoLTE SIM to cover me just in case in the US (?), that it won’t affect my service back in Ottawa? I had no issues with my “old” SIM (acquired in December) in Florida and along the I-81/I95 back in Jan-Mar 2022. I’m using an iPhone XR so the phone itself should be fine

    If I don’t change to VoLTE SIM now (I have a trip Jul 16 to the US), do you think my current SIM has any potential to work?(also, I haven’t been able to find anything on Fizz website Re how to get a new SIM mailed (I can maybe initiate a FIZZ chat to get that started). I see some stores in QC have Sims and as I’m in Ottawa, easy for me to skip over to Hull for one, if that’s an option).


  • Jess_i88b6
    Jess_i88b6 Posts: 14,288 ✭✭

    @LeeL I cannot help you regarding if VoLTE will work or not, but if @zadigre wrote that was working, check if your sim can support the VoLTE technology

    Your SIM card connects your phone to the Fizz network now 3G and going to LTE. A VoLTE compatible SIM card is therefore required to stay ahead of the game. This SIM card shows a red lightning bolt icon. 


    Good to know: 

    • Any member who orders a SIM card today is ok. Their SIM card is already compatible with VoLTE. 
    • Same applies for a Fizz SIM card that was ordered after the month of September 2021. 


    Source: https://fizz.ca/en/faq/why-volte-important

  • Roger I.
    Roger I. Posts: 23 ✭✭

    As usual, without clear messaging from Fizz, people are very confused. Some people are claiming that US calls to Canada didn't work. I can report that all is well with receiving and making calls to the US, while in Canada. No problem.

    Until users report back about their experience roaming in the US, we will know very little.

    I have ordered and installed a new "VoLTE" SIM card. Will it help, who knows. Maybe it was $16 down the drain.

    I would hope, if that really is the solution, (to order a new SIM card), would Fizz not have said, or even offer to send us all a new SIM?

    A few people are reporting their phones are still working in the US. Not sure if they are using the old 3G network or that for some people, VoLTE is working.

    We must wait to receive HARD facts. Just going off this way and that is not helping.

    The email we all received from Fizz; maybe Fizz just covering themselves. Maybe if you have a newer SIM (with the red lighting bolt) AND a phone that supports VoLTE, all will work. Remember, many (most?) users don't have VoLTE enabled phones. Just having an LTE enabled phone is not enough. There has been much confusion is the US media about this point, with some media claiming you just need a phone had supports LTE. This is not the case. You need a phone with LTE and that phone must provided VoLTE, and the carrier must support VoLTE on your phone. No wonder we are all confused.

    I am still hopeful that all will be well. But if not, it's time to move on from Fizz.

  • Roger I.
    Roger I. Posts: 23 ✭✭

    One last point. Do we know if MMS texting will work in the US? This would be useful. It would not solve the 2FA texting problem.

    Just saying "text messaging" is not detailed enough.

    MMS uses data, and data still should work in the US.

  • LeeL
    LeeL Posts: 18 ✭✭

    @Roger I.

    thanks for this. Bottom line is Fizz email introduced a lot of confusion!

    they should have mentioned the VoLTE SIMs (also I note that someone from Fixz also clarified (on a different thread) that any SIM cards issued after Sep 2021 ARE compatible (so I assume are the VoLTE ones). I haven’t yet pulled mine out to see if there’s a red bolt on mine (which I would have received Dec 2021). I also note (from same aforementioned thread), Fizz saying they will mail out free VoLTE SIMS to members

  • Roger I.
    Roger I. Posts: 23 ✭✭

    I jumped the gun, ordering and paying for a new SIM. However, I would not hold your breath waiting for a free SIM from Fizz. I was planning to go to Florida in two weeks times. (but that trip is on hold for the moment)

  • LeeL
    LeeL Posts: 18 ✭✭

    @Roger I. ….well, I’ll be driving down the I-81/I-95 to NC in about 10 days ….let’s see what happens!

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭

    @Roger I. @LeeL

    Please update following your trips. I'm eager to hear how everthing goes

  • Jean P. 4852
    Jean P. 4852 Posts: 8 ✭✭

    FYI, I ordered a v2 VoLTE sim from Fizz because I did not want to wait for them to send the new one. I had no problem getting the $15+tax credited from customer service while I was chatting to activate the v2 sim card.

  • Roger I.
    Roger I. Posts: 23 ✭✭

    I didn't think about asking for a credit for the new SIM while switching the cards over. Good for you.

    Yes, I too, am very interesting in hearing back about whether the phone works in the US. My trip is off (flight was cancelled!).

  • rousseau
    rousseau Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Does anyone have experience/recommendation which US carrier to choose for VoLTE while in New York City? Seems like there are conflicting experiences with AT&T and/or T-Mobile working/being a better choice? Leaving next week and want to make sure that I'll have service while I'm there. Thank you!

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited July 2022


    I don't know about networks in NYC, but the only advantage I can see about using T-Mobile over AT&T, is that T-Mobile still has access to 2G GSM networks, whereas AT&T has access to neither of these "old" networks. In Connecticut 3 weeks ago, I couldn't have acces to VoLTE calls (calls over LTE networks) and T-Mobile was the only option to make calls. It could be an issue for you also.

    Also, I recommend you set up a B plan for making calls, if ever only 4G LTE networks are available and VoLTE is still not available. I used Skype to make phone calls last time, but other alternatives are available...Messenger, Google Duo.

    To access 2G GSM networks if available, you may need to select 2G GSM - UMTS - WCDMA in your mobile settings.

    To get back to the normal settings, putting airplane mode on and off (leave on 15 seconds) restores the initial settings.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited July 2022


    If ever you choose 2G GSM - UMTS - WCDMA in your mobile settings, maybe you will need to go back to 4G LTE mobile settings to have access to faster 4G LTE data.

  • Roger I.
    Roger I. Posts: 23 ✭✭

    I am really surprised that the various VoLTE in the US threads have all but stopped.

    I guess, Fizz has win. They don't appear to need to do anything, and we don't appear to care. We are being far too Canadian about this.

    Still no really word on whether my phone will work on my next trip to the US. Surely, Fizz and us can do better.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited July 2022

    @Roger I. Play safe, work out a B plan, and everything will be OK.

    My B plan is: use Messenger (or e-mail) for my friends, and use SKYPE to call land phones or non-friend cell phones . If I need, I will set up SKYPE to handle incoming calls.

    Enjoy your trip.

  • Roger I.
    Roger I. Posts: 23 ✭✭

    Yes, I have a plan B. I have a US Google voice number. I am hoping this should still work. But that's not the point. We should not be looking to find work arounds to problems that Fizz has created, and appears not to be able or willing to do anything to solve.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭

    @Roger I.

    The problem comes from the USA closing its 3G and 2G networks. Fizz has to improve his services because of this. But if he does, the CANADA + USA plan will cost much more. I prefer finding personal solutions for now, and I hope Fizz will keep his prices low.

  • Roger I.
    Roger I. Posts: 23 ✭✭

    I respectfully disagree. This is a problem Fizz has created by not keeping current, and Fizz must solve it. It has been known for well over a year that the older 3G networks in the US would go away. Also, the 3G networks are planned to be retired in Canada in 2024 (not sure of the exact date). So the clock is ticking.

    The thing that really burns me is how Fizz has managed this. Waiting until the very last day to send out an email. That email never even offered an apology for any inconvenience, or said they were working on it.

    It's NOT my job to look for solutions to cover for Fizz's shortcoming. Also, my work around does not solve the problem that I use text on my phone for Two Factor Authentication.

    Fizz is a technology company, and as such, it must keep up with the current trends or die.

  • Bustran
    Bustran Posts: 1 ✭✭

    We are currently in NYC and Volte is working fine on both T-Mobile and AT&T networks.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited July 2022


    Good news! The most important is that you can make and receive calls. Is your phone I-Phone or Android? I'm assuming you have the new Sim card.

  • Roger I.
    Roger I. Posts: 23 ✭✭

    That's great news. Can we get more details? What phone are you using? Do you have the new SIM? Did you have to do anything, or did it just work?

    It would appear that Fizz are just covering themselves with the email.. If it does not work, they will not help you. If it does work, bonus!

  • LeeL
    LeeL Posts: 18 ✭✭

    @Roger I.

    curently in North Carolina. Very sketchy situation! Calls and texts are almost impossible to make and receive -sometimes it works, sometimes doesn’t! Can’t explain this…I’m sitting on the beach, and sometimes a call comes through…and sometimes it doesn’t. Texts via iMessage not a problem of course

    conencted to T-Mobile usually -but I see a number of providers that I can choose from-haven’t played around I’ll take any suggestions to trouble shoot!

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭

    @Roger I.

    There were a few people with issues in North Carolina last March I see things haven't changed.

    2 things to get straight:

    1. Is your data (Internet) good? Data has practically nothing to do with 3G networks disrupt, so this should be A-1. Your top status bar should show LTE, but sometimes unfortunately it shows R (for Roaming) which does not say anything about your network connection.

    2. Are your calls thru 2G, 3G networks? You should see LTE in the top status bar, but as soon as you dial a call, it will stay LTE if your calls goes through the LTE network (VoLTE call). Otherwise, it will indicate 2G or e or 3G or H or 4G which means the call runs thru the old calling networks. Again R doesn't give useful information.

    If your #1 (data) is good, you could use your B plan (Skype, Messenger, Google Duo, or other app). If you data is bad, it's a bad coverage issue. Try to see if another provider (T-Mobile or AT&T) has better coverage, or move to a different location.

    If your #2 does not show LTE in the status bar during your call, your 2G or 3G networks are too weak, unstable, or unavailable. You will have to use your B plan.

    To reset to LTE when you are stranded on the 2G/3G networks, switch airplane mode on and off ( wait 15 seconds) and your should recover your LTE data connection.

  • uzedia
    uzedia Posts: 1,673 ✭✭

    Reporting from my short trip to Vermont. Between the border (Philipsburg) and Burlington the 3G network was working without any problems. Between Burlington and Waterbury only LTE (ATT with a strong signal, T-Mobile 2 bars only) was working.

  • uzedia
    uzedia Posts: 1,673 ✭✭

    Thank you for the tip. But in a way, you are paying twice, once Fizz for the data and once Skype to make a phone call. Or is there another way?

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭


    First of all, thank you very much for your Vermont travel comment. I have pasted this valuable information in the Break Room section at "Are VoLTE calls available to Fizz users through roaming partners in the USA" to help Fizz travellers.

    Yes you are right, Skype calls cost 3.3 cents per minute, and I always hope I won't have to use it too often. But it's not much, and it's better than no calls at all. Besides Messenger, Google Duo, Facetime which are great for calling friends on cellphones, I don't know a free app that can be used to call land phones. Sorry.

    Again, thanks!