YES! We have a new voicemail 🤗

Hi everyone,
You asked for it, and we have it: a shiny new voicemail. As of today, expect a smoother and simpler experience, as well as enhanced functions.
The new voicemail offers greater capacity with a total now of 35 messages, and PIN authentication is no longer required.
Plus, remember that looooooooong info segment before each message? It’s gone. Oh yes, we did it... It was moved so listening to your messages is now faster, and more enjoyable.
If you already have the Voicemail option in your mobile plan.
Well, you’re already up and running with the new voicemail. No reset is required. Just remember, however, that any message you haven’t listened to on the old system, as well as archived messages, will be deleted on July 8, 2021.
Visual voicemail soon included.
Say what, you say? Yup, Visual voicemail is coming soon and will be included free of charge with the Voicemail option of your plan. Stay tuned.
As always, thanks again for all your input.
The Fizz team
Amazing Fizz! You should the big players in the mobile market how it's done! Thanks for always improving !!!😎
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Thanks Fizz!
On July 8, since going on a new system, will we have to re-record our greeting message?
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How soon is soon for visual voicemail?
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My voice mail is bugged i cant listen to any message its just say you have 3 message and say nothing else its not even asked my password. I reseted the password on the website. And after that its asked the password said you have 3 message and still be silent. So my voice mail is broken i need help fast i have medical et work related voicemail daily.
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Hi @Nicolas S. #16610 ,
In the greeting it should also say "do you want to hear the messages on your old Fizz voicemail" can you validate please? Worse case scenario reach out to us via chat and will try to take a deeper look.
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I spoke with the client support its was a bug they fixed it slightly enough so i could receive message with nip but i probably lost my old voicemail
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More feature is always a WIN in my opinion. Thank you Fizz team.
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Any plan to add the option to receive the voicemail by email?
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is there a way to forward/transfer a saved message from the old voicemail. We have the last message from my Deceased Father in law....
appreciate any help else my wife will be having a mental breakdown on July 8th.
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I did that with Audacity for some voicemails before switching to Fizz. Step by step explained in this video
Save the resulting file in a secure and redundant place (cloud provider of your choice). Personal disk failure with such precious file will not help mental breakdowns.
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If you have android phone you can record the call (when you call the voicemail) , some phones can do by design, or you can download apps from the playstore.
No idea for iPhone
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Thanks for this one as definitely it was a need to improve in my opinion.
Hope the price for this option won't jump in price in 3 or 4 months from now.
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Good news! Really appreciate this one!
Thanks to Fizz team
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Wow i can't wait to go discover that! The text at the beginning was pretty long lol
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Good job Fizz ! Next Wifi Calling and a complete great experience for 21st century !
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I am having the same problem as Nicholas "My voice mail is bugged i cant listen to any message its just say you have 3 message and say nothing else"
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Hello, can anyone help me with this issue? Nicholas said he "talked" to client support. How do you talk to client support? The only way I know is a message on the Facebook page and the nice person there is not helpful. She thinks it's a problem with my ability to follow Fizz instructions about how to access the new and old voicemail. But it's not. Does anyone know what the solution is?
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Finally help came through on facebook.
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Same problem my voicemail doesn't work anymore since june 9. It only say you have one new message and then nothing ... stuck like this since .... What the solution ???
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I'm experiencing the same symptoms described by @Nicolas S. #16610 and experienced by @Barbara, and @Jean-Philippe Deblois. Please respond.
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Is the solution known for the broken voicemail? It just get cut off after saying you have X voicemail...
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Hello, I am experiencing the same problem. My voicemail is not working. It is only telling me how many messages I have, but I cannot listen to these messages.
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Does anybody know when the Visual Voicemail will be coming to Fizz ?
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The Fizz teams says soon... Can't know more than that 🤷♂️ 🔮
Visual voicemail soon included.
[...]Visual voicemail is coming soon and will be included free of charge with the Voicemail option of your plan. Stay tuned.
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I'm excited for visual voicemail :)
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This is deeply appreciated, thank you!!🤩
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All for the change, but since we no longer have to enter our pin, I entered it instinctively and it starts with a 7, which deleted my new message that I hadn't heard! I imagine there's no way to get back an accidentally deleted message? 😅
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Super la messagerie
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very much appreciated
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Hey Whizz,
Visual voicemail?
When, where, what, how?
(I know "why" tho 🤭 )
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Visual Voicemail... We wish :))
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Wow. The one thing (and it really was just this one thing) that I didn't like about Fizz has been fixed. The fact that you actually listen to what your customers have to say and act on it is more than can be said about most companies, most notably all of your competitors in this industry. Thanks guys!
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Enfin!!! Quelle belle nouvelle! I am loving the fact that the prompt to enter our PIN has been disabled. Might not be great for cheating spouses though.......LOL
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Good, thanks.
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That’s so cool!
Sounds like much needed changes. It makes me want to add the voicemail option to my plan now :)
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Thank you so much for the revamp, it's so good now. <3
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Very Cool!! Thanks Fizz
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Nice! the old one was basic. We definitely needed the upgrade!
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I experience the same issue as Sofia, Kim Patrick and others. Those who have contacted customer service - do you know how to fix it? Contacted CS, waiting...
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Just chatted with Alexandra from CS. She told me to restart the phone, and it solved the issue :-)
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I'm excited for Visual Voicemail!!
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Some users on Reddit have reported visual voicemail being deployed on their iPhones, but not functional yet. Looks like it's coming soon!
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Dial your own number. If you have voice mail feature, you will hear prompt
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Me and my wife are both Fizz customers and did not have to enter our PIN to check our voicemail for a few days, and we've had to do it again for a while.... I guess it is "normal", is it?
Also, do you have any clue when visual voice mail should be available for iPhone?
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Cela peut peut-être aider certaines personnes si je mets mon commentaire en francais.....
Ma femme et moi sommes tous les 2 clients Fizz et nous n'avons pas eu besoin de rentrer notre NIP pendant quelques jours pour écouter nos messages, puis depuis un certain temps, nous devons le faire à nouveau... je suppose que c'est "normal" mais est-ce bien le cas?
Avez-vous une idée de quant la messagerie visuelle pour iPhone devrait être disponible?
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Better since for myself!