Roaming while within Fizz Coverage Area Map Pt 2?

Daly B.
Daly B. Posts: 3 ✭✭
I somehow closed the previous thread inadvertently, sorry about that,
I have used fizz at my cottage for 2 years near Wakefield Quebec outside Ottawa/Gatineau and have a Quebec coverage plan, The cottage is well within the Fizz coverage map. I recently received a Fizz email recently stating I was roaming too much and they may cancel my plan. Not sure what has changed recently but I checked and Fizz EXT is being displayed and the carrier code is Videtron (302500). I am using the APN. This is the only tower for miles and in order to be included in the coverage area this is the only possible tower.
I phoned Fizz and the just said if it is showing Fizz-EXT you are roaming and thats it. Which was frustrating.
Any ideas? At best the cvoerage map is false advertising as even on the road beside the tower it says roaming.
In response to a question: The cottage is well within the green band on the coverage map. I only use the fizz plan at the cottage thus I should never be marked as roaming. It is also used almost exclusively for hotspot to computer. Perhaps this has an effect.


  • SuperFizzeur
    SuperFizzeur Posts: 3,767 ✭✭
    i hope you will get your answer.
    Have a nice day :)
  • Pascal
    Pascal Posts: 7,469 ✭✭
    Patrick got the best answer ;)
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 23,716 admin
    Hello Daly,
    As Patrick suggested, you need to stay on the green coverage in the majority of the time.
    If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us, as we'll do our best to help you out. We are available between 8 am and 9 pm everyday or any time at
    Have a great day!
This discussion has been closed.