Missing information?

I purchased a plan and my phone is working(have reception etc). When I log in to my account however I see almost nothing. I can't change my account, view usage, can't see anything about travel, addons. Is anyone having the same issue? On top of that it asks me to activate my sim card, but it's been activated considering I'm using the phone right now. Any suggestions?


  • Stanimir C.
    Stanimir C. Posts: 3 ✭✭
    What's the fastest way to contact fizz? I see when I can contact them but I don't even see any way to do it, either chat or email.
  • Matthew N.
    Matthew N. Posts: 6 ✭✭
    fb messenger chat is the quickest. that i've seen so far.
    good luck.
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 23,921 admin
    Hello Stanimir,
    You can contact us by chat : https://fizz.ca/en/contact-us  or via Facebook Messenger : https://m.me/fizzca. If you want a real-time conversation, I recommend you to contact us via chat. Via Facebook Messenger the delay in answering depends on the volume we are experiencing.