Credit cards charges not going through

amp3d Posts: 5 ✭✭
edited July 15 in Your Fizz Account
I'm posting this on behalf of my friend.

He has been trying to sign up for over a week with fizz and having a horrible experience in getting a plan activated.

He got a sim ordered and payment went through, but when he got it he could not activate a plan because his mastercard kept failing.

He called his bank and they told him they arent the problem.

Then he spent over 2 hours Erich chat support to tried to activate the sim and they failed (as did they payment)

He's now trying a different card and the sim says it is already used (from the support person we assume).

He's trying to order a 2nd sim now which he shouldn't have to do and that prefer doesn't work either he just gets white screens.

I also ran Into similar issues with my account when I signed up about a week ago so the issues are not specific to his account.

What's going on here and why doesnt doesn't fizz have any capable support lines to resolve issues.

Surely fizz is losing customers with a broken billing system?


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