Difficulties being with Fizz and posts being closed

Fizz_Luis Posts: 39 ✭✭
edited July 2024 in Phones

Coming from here:

and from here:

In that last post they said I had been contacted privately and they closed the post AGAIN. No, I was not contacted privately, it was me, once again, who contacted them every 2 or 3 days, and every time I do the reply it's the same, "we appreciate your patience, you'll have an answer soon", but then ignored until I contacted them again 2 or 3 days after.

At some point they offered me a worse device than the one I had (less storage, older version, non pro) and I rejected, then after a few back and forth they offered me the iPhone 14 Pro rather than iPhone 13 Pro, which I appreciate but to be completely honest this device it's more similar than to mine, iPhone 13 Pro, than to the non pro version. Only thing I asked was that if they would have the 256Gb version rather than the 128Gb I would appreciate it but if not I would take it. However they kept ignoring me again, and every time I try contacting me they say something like "Rest assured we will work on it and soon you will be contacted", which of course won't happen until I contact them again 2 or 3 days after and they just change some wording on the official ticket.

Meanwhile it's been a whole month when I was told that the whole process would take 4 to 7 days and I literally cannot use my device. No matter what I remove from my phone photos/videos/media etc. memory is always full, because of course trying to fit a 256Gb into a 64Gb it's impossible, I have ZERO apps installed other than the stock Apple apps because I had to delete every single thing, and still I'm unable to use iMessage, or the Camera, or WhatsApp or even sending a damn email. I need to do all this from a computer cause I cannot use the phone at all. 1 damn month, and I guess this post will be closed saying they contacted me on private…


  • elena code xzi4t
    elena code xzi4t Posts: 11,107 ✭✭
    edited June 2024

    Did you try to go on the iPhone to check the storage Go to Settings > General > [Device] Storage

    Probably your device is try to synchronize from iCloud, you can decide what to download

  • Fizz_Luis
    Fizz_Luis Posts: 39 ✭✭

    Yes I did, I've been with iPhone for years and I have pretty much every option not to be stored in the phone but in iCloud (delete from device once is backed up). Of course this comes from how big are the system updates from iOS and how big backups of WhatsApps are, but that's how it is, point is that it's literally impossible to change form a 256Gb device to a 64Gb and using it normally, and that it's not normal to wait for a whole month to have a phone, and being lied.

    Of course my only options would be to get another SIM and using an Android phone of 15 years ago.

    Thanks for the suggestion though.

  • Mark123_2024
    Mark123_2024 Posts: 6,137 ✭✭

    Sorry for your bad experience. Up to now my experience with Fizz was more pleasant than yours. Hope you will change your mind soon.

  • Fizz_Luis
    Fizz_Luis Posts: 39 ✭✭

    @Mark123_2024 Nothing to complain about the line and plans it's cheap, it works and it's exactly what I like. Other than of course the website is a huge mess. However if there is any issue, specially regarding any hardware… it's a hit or miss. It's not a one mistake, in the post you can see links to other posts I created and you can see there is a list of one mistake after the other.

    Thanks and I hope my situation is solved soon enough… after being unable to use my phone for a whole month.

  • BeakBird
    BeakBird Posts: 3,977 ✭✭

    That's very unfortunate. I wouldn't want to be in your situation.

  • jvh_NVPF2
    jvh_NVPF2 Posts: 1,305 ✭✭
    edited June 2024

    I sincerely hope this is a one off event because I was really looking forward to the phone shop opening up in my province. Not sure if the discount is worth having to potentially deal with a bricked device.

  • Fizz_Luis
    Fizz_Luis Posts: 39 ✭✭

    As much as I don't like to put the band things to prevent people from getting Fizz, this is my experience and I'm not here to exaggerating things, there is a list of 16 points (as of 2 weeks ago, not counting what happens in the last 2 weeks) and it's a mistake after another.

    And yet, I still think Fizz is great! I guess I'm stupid, but the issue comes due to 2 things:

    • If you don't have any issue, Fizz is great.
    • If you do have it, and they have an easy solution and you don't have to deal with support, Fizz is still great.

    I understand that that it might be difficult to get me the very same device, iPhone 13 Pro 256Gb, but that's not my problem and of course going to a lower end device is not acceptable. The even bigger problem is all the extra side issues that are happening and all the time that I have lost since then.

    Would I still get something from Fizz? Maybe… unfortunately right now I'm not in a position so simply buy a brand new phone but I also know I'm being played.

  • jvh_NVPF2
    jvh_NVPF2 Posts: 1,305 ✭✭

    All your data is backed up to iCloud right?

    Have you tried factory resetting your device?

  • jvh_NVPF2
    jvh_NVPF2 Posts: 1,305 ✭✭
    edited June 2024

    If you feel like you're no closer to a resolution after all this time I think you're well within your rights to submit a complaint to "you-know-who" to see if you can get this resolved.

    The organization here at the bottom of the page can assist you.

  • Fizz_Luis
    Fizz_Luis Posts: 39 ✭✭

    So as I said above yes all my data is kinda backed up and I have barely nothing on the iPhone I’m using right now. However the reality is a bit more tricky, I backed up the previous phone (the one I sent) fully but as I was running out of space on iCloud I had to partially simply move some of my data (mostly videos) to a hard drive on the computer, after all I was told it would be 4 to 7 days so I thought it would be a good workaround. I did factory reset this phone in using right now before I installed the sim and I had to basically offload all apps, what’s taking space is pretty much the iOS system and WhatsApp. I had to delete every single iMessage media (which is annoying as it’s a tedious job) and even with that as soon as I take a pic or video I have to delete it right away (I cannot backup anymore in iCloud) or sometimes restarting the phone might work.

  • jvh_NVPF2
    jvh_NVPF2 Posts: 1,305 ✭✭

    Looks like whoever certified the refurbished phone didn't do a thorough job.

    You'll have better luck submitting a complaint and getting escalations/specialized team to resolve the issue since it looks like customer support isn't of much help.

  • Fizz_Luis
    Fizz_Luis Posts: 39 ✭✭

    Specially when I have been communicating this whole time with them via replying their email thread and now when I reply to their email, exactly like I have done in the previous days, I just get an automatic message such as “You replied to an email that was generated and sent automatically by our systems. This means we won’t receive your message.”.

  • Fizz_Luis
    Fizz_Luis Posts: 39 ✭✭

    thing is the phone might have been well refurbished, who knows, issues happen with the time and I won’t complain whether or not a technician considered ok. Those are acceptable issues, what it is not it’s all what im experiencing before and after that.

  • Fizz_Luis
    Fizz_Luis Posts: 39 ✭✭

    after another chat…

    -be assured someone is working on it

    -but I need an answer of when could it be resolved, one week, one month, one year

    -I cannot promise you anything

    -and cannot be escalated?

    -it’s already, so be reassured….

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,460 admin

    Hello Fizz_Luis, 

    We have reached out to you privately regarding your phone replacement request. At your earliest convenience, please check your private messages for further details and respond when you can.

    As mentioned, the 256GB iPhone 14 Pro Max Preloved you requested is currently out of stock, and this can also be verified on our website. 

    We are looking forward to your reply.

    Best regards,
    -Sergiu, Community Moderator

  • Fizz_Luis
    Fizz_Luis Posts: 39 ✭✭

    Just a quick update of my journey for everyone interested.

    You remember when last week I opened this post regarding the 1 month mark since I have no phone and Fizz doesn't have any update of when I could have one? Well, here I have 1 week after. You can see other post linked to the first message listing all the 16 issues I've had since… last December, and not surprised here is another one.

    First of all, regarding the comment "As mentioned, the 256GB iPhone 14 Pro Max Preloved you requested is currently out of stock, and this can also be verified on our website.", yes, that's right, now there is only that one on stock, but back when I checked on the 15 days mark since I sent my phone, there was and I didn't get a message back from Fizz in regards of this when I sent the email.

    So, mid last week I "accepted" their offer about that iPhone 14 Pro Max 128Gb, because there is no clear time of when a 256Gb version could arrive… and because I'm desperate (just imagine yourself without a phone for over a month). I said yes to the phone and then I get an email that my credit card does not work.

    Of course, I have been years with Fizz and have monthly payments for Internet service, Phone Plan and purchased a couple of months without issues… but now the credit card doesn't seem to work on Fizz size. I verify address, I attempt to change it (basically just writing it again, or attempting to delete it and re-entering it) but of course every time I do it the website gives me an error because that cannot be done being the only way of payment. I'm told that the only way is for me to use another credit card or way of payment, which of course I don't have. It's funny because while having those conversations with them, I receive an email from Fizz Affirm that the monthly payment of the phone has passed… meaning that Fizz is taking the money from my credit card just fine.

    Days pass and I have to contact them daily because if not I don't receive any communication. On Monday I was asked to send a photo of my credit card, front and back… which I won't even mention how to insecure this is… but I was of course told "rest assured we'll treat this securely, you can trust us"… yeah, I have for sure all my confidence on them based on the close to 20 mistakes that occurred since last December…

    Yesterday I contact them again thinking that a whole 24 hours is more than enough for them to have an idea of what's occurring with the credit card and how to fix it… cause again if I don't contact I won't be contacted. So they don't know yet and I was told that the only thing I can do is waiting but it's impossible for them to know when this could be fixed. I was also told that they cannot guarantee that a reimburse would be possible.

    And all this make even less sense when I don't freaking know why the hell it's needed my credit card now, for a phone I'm already paying monthly since last December and passing every single month without issues in my credit card.

    So all I can do is waiting… maybe a day, maybe a week, maybe a month, maybe a year, but rest assured we'll look into it. Cannot guarantee a reimburse. What I'm supposed to get for the month and a half (at the very least) without a phone? I should be getting the freaking last model of phone gold plated instead.

    This is a joke for real…

  • Fizz_Luis
    Fizz_Luis Posts: 39 ✭✭

    Sorry to hear that! :(

    Yeah if you read my initial post… I was also sent the origiginal phone to the wrong address. I mean, i posted the list of 16 mistakes (that was a month and a half ago, without counting this last month) so you can imagine… I'm literally speechless…

    And again, I have nothing against Fizz, I liked the plans and coverage and all that, but this doesn't make any sense

  • wenhan
    wenhan Posts: 1,688 ✭✭

    ya. I lost faith of these "phone" companies. Now I just buy my phones directly from the manufacturer to make sure I actually get what I want.

  • Kejinsan CODE VB5UM
    Kejinsan CODE VB5UM Posts: 8,171 ✭✭

    Same bought mine from Kijiji and Facebook Marketplace also works sometimes you get good deals for brandnew ones with the box sealed!

  • kaitokun
    kaitokun Posts: 1,648 ✭✭

    So your issue is still on going?

  • rakibul
    rakibul Posts: 500 ✭✭

    That's very unfortunate. Is it still ongoing?

  • Fizz_Luis
    Fizz_Luis Posts: 39 ✭✭

    Yes it is still ongoing. Long post so sorry in advance…

    Last week I tried to contact them every day, since they do not reply right away and I cannot spend an hour every time to monitor the chat… I leave (which is the whole purpose of a chat that has a history) but then they reply back "thanks for blablabla, are you still there? since you are not there we'll leave…" and a few hours later I ask them to please use the chat for the purpose of a chat… and answer me the questions instead of doing the whole "are you there" …

    This occurs several times per day for the whole week. I keep bringing up it's not normal that I'm reaching a month and a half without a phone, and now there is the excuse my credit card does not work, when in fact 2 monthly instalments of the phone I own has passed through the credit card (which goes to roughly 90$) but according to them "that's irrelevant". Also passing the plan payment and the internet payment with no issues.

    Last Saturday FINALLY I can have a proper conversation via chat with them, and they tell me that they had offered me a phone and I did not reply, when of course I did, in an email and had to explain them that they had told me that the credit card didn't work, meaning they don't even read the case to start with. I passed thorough a few representatives each one and every time I had to explain the case or. Finally after complaining A LOT and getting very vocal about it and it's ridiculous ALL the mistakes I'm going through they tell me that issue is close to be solved (which i heard like every couple of days) and that I was offered a iPhone 14 pro max 9 days ago (I gave the yes 10 days ago but to be honest it was even earlier when I told me that if there was not a 256Gb version as my device, I would get the 128Gb)… anyways they said I would receive an email soon about it. I said, well things now have changed I had said YES to that device already almost 2 weeks ago and they have been ignoring me or putting excuses daily… and now I see there is a iphone 15 pro max of 256gb, that while is obviously above mine i cannot care less and due to their mistakes i have been a month and a half without a phone and paying 2 monthly instalments since then but without a phone. They complain telling me that's not possible at all, i pass through 3 different representatives and the last one tells me they will have to escalate that… i ask them to please DO NOT REPLY with "are you there?" via chat and then me explaining again and again tot he next representative… We'll after a few times happening that, I was told someone will write to me via email about that escalation of the device I asked cause obviously is more expensive than my original one… and I said again, sure, but i already said yes to the previous one and now things have changed…

    The day after, still NO email and then I write again in the chat. Of course I had to explain again the whole thing myself… and after some back and forth… I get an email… the email is not about the escalation lol… but the phone they told me originally that soon will be appearing in my "order history", i contact them again via chat and i tell them that was not what we agreed and that is just a lie. I also replied to the email and I get a "this is an automatic email and you cannot reply". So now we are here on Monday and still no answer via chat… and nothing on the "order history" either. However i receive a call this morning from a private number telling me it's Fizz and since i was at the doctor I just told them to call me again in the afternoon, they chose the time between 3 to 4pm and i said yes… but instead they have been calling me an hour ago 3 times when I was in a call so again I couldn't pick it up…

    I'm thrilled how this will be finished and what that call means…

  • Fizz_Luis
    Fizz_Luis Posts: 39 ✭✭

    No call in the whole afternoon.

    Meanwhile I cannot open any app on the phone I'm using currently… you tell me how easy is to fit 256Gb in a 64Gb iphone… just the iOS and whatnot already fit it all, i literally have to uninstall maps and the regular apps.

    I open a conversation with the chat… and they tell me "can you tell me which phone did you not receive?" the iPhone 13 pro (that i sent a month and a half ago….)… oh and they are seeing other phone too… one from 2 years ago…

    I'm with them right now and they are asking me to explain all from the beginning again….im literally crying…

  • Fizz_Luis
    Fizz_Luis Posts: 39 ✭✭

    a couple of hightlights of my current chat:

    • Representative: you should have picked up the phone to know what it was about.
    • Me: I was talking with the doctor as I said
    • Representative: Even if you were talking with the doctor you should have picked up the call
    • Me: wtf…? you serious?
    • Representative: Yes, it was to delivering the phone you have been waiting for!
    • Me: wtf? do you realize how that sound? Plus I thought you said you dind't know what the call was about
    • Representative: The call was for that, isn't it?
    • Me: how do i know??? Tell anyone there to contact me via email or call right now
    • Representative: You must know our 3rd party delivery has its own schedule
    • Me: But i didn't even agreed on the phone to start with!!!
  • Fizz_Luis
    Fizz_Luis Posts: 39 ✭✭

    a couple of days more and these thefts didn’t contact me. Every time I contact them, 6 times: oh explain me what the issue is, I escalate the issue, rest assured it will be treated in no time. And in between I have seen all phones go out of stock.

    They didn’t only stole a phone (that I’m paying) from me, but also money. Isn’t that the definition of behind a theft?

    And laughing at me every time.

  • Kejinsan CODE VB5UM
    Kejinsan CODE VB5UM Posts: 8,171 ✭✭

    I'm extremely sorry to hear that stay strong 🫂

  • Fizz_Luis
    Fizz_Luis Posts: 39 ✭✭

    I contact them again, of course the advisor asked me to explain the issue again…, after several attempts of not answering me and when they do if I take more than 60 seconds I get a "are you there? Since you are not there we are leaving".

    After last Saturday I was told the issues with the credit card (which was a lie) they said they had were fixed… the iPhone 14 Pro Max 128Gb (which I was told that they would check with supervisor for a 256Gb) were in final steps and I would be contacted for it soon.

    Today the advisor tells me I'm trying to prepare the iPhone 13 Pro Max but there are some issues (wtf…. iPhone 13????? I was told something different… And no they tell me the iPhone 15 is a high difference of price with my original device. So again, another lie… They now tell me all devices are out of stock but anyways there are issues again to order them….

    Now I'll get a device similar to mine… sure, but not similar enough to use the case and screen protector lol… I am lied every time i contact them…I haven't seen anything more useless and ridiculous in my whole life.

  • kaitokun
    kaitokun Posts: 1,648 ✭✭

    That sucks 😞

  • Fizz_Luis
    Fizz_Luis Posts: 39 ✭✭

    They are just buying time. I don't know what they get from this to be honest… I have been a client for years…got phones from the, phone plan and Internet…

    I don't know how many hours I have passed with them in the chat… dozens… I have to explain the issue over and over again. It's swapping a damn phone gosh….

  • Andrei_ref_R7VK1
    Andrei_ref_R7VK1 Posts: 9,026 ✭✭

    @Whizz this situation is ridiculous and ruins your reputation seriously. Can someone please escalate this to the right manager in order to finally resolve it?

  • Fizz_Luis
    Fizz_Luis Posts: 39 ✭✭


    they do not care… If anything, the post will be taken down.

    the last 2 hours i contacted other 3 advisors.

    The first one told me… hey maybe it's better do this via phone call, would that be ok for you? I said…yes… finally, after a month and a half… FINALLY. "you'll be contacted in a few minutes"

    1 hour and a half after here I am, I contact 2 different advisors 30 minutes to reply, to tell me after "Let me check how I can help you. Please give me some minutes to check" and the "rest assured" copy paste message…

  • Fizz_Luis
    Fizz_Luis Posts: 39 ✭✭

    I'm literally crying right now, I'm close to say fuck it… change of company for my phone and the internet even if that means losing 900$ on the phone they stole from me.

    I have a life.. I cannot be monitoring a chat all the time, and then explaining the whole process to the next advisor, this is nonsense…

    And the last one wanted to offer me a phone that is now cheaper to the one I am paying since last December cause it's closer in price… SURE THING… and who is paying me the last 2 months and all this I'm going through?

    Imagine that you are in an important appointment with the doctor and you are told by someone "well, you should engage in the conversation with Fizz even if you were talking to a doctor". I was speechless. This should go viral… gosh

  • Andrei_ref_R7VK1
    Andrei_ref_R7VK1 Posts: 9,026 ✭✭

    @Fizz_Luis I understand your frustration. The agents have some sort of canned responses/scripts they should follow. That's why I am tagging @Whizz to escalate this to one of the higher managers to resolve it faster.

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,460 admin

    Hi @Fizz_Luis!

    We sincerely apologize for all the issues you have encountered; this does not reflect the level of service we aim to provide. Your case is unique, and we have exhausted all avenues to resolve your issue. Our customer service team reached out to you privately, with a solution.  We hope that this will settle the matter. Customer satisfaction is of utmost importance to us. We trust you will enjoy the solution we provided.

    Thank you for your understanding, have a good day.

    The Fizz Team


This discussion has been closed.