To fizz: Is forbidden to have all family accounts to fizz? We will share same external IP

Daniela P. #33065
Daniela P. #33065 Posts: 109 ✭✭
edited March 2024 in My Mobile

Sorry I came not so often here, and you close very fast any comment. So about the question here:

can I say something?

For everybody to know, is not about our acount, is about forum.

We had a problem (let say question), but before asking others, we discussed here in family, as normal is. I think everybody do that. We didn't find the answer. Being kinda important, each of us tried to solve, asking friends or searching on internet, or asking FIZZ, in the limited time each of us had. It is wrong? I don't think so. One of us had the bad idea to put the question here, on the forum, as the answer was not in usual questions. You have to know that each child has his room where it stay almost all day long, if they are not out, on university ore in downtown. Even us, we are not all the time in the same room, even we cross our "roads" much often. We found some idea of answers, but not very precise or trustfull. One of us had idea (and had patience to wait) to talk to FIZZ, and find the answer. I think it took few hours spent for having that answer, complet and 100% correct. When the answer was available, "Hey, I have the answer... "so, so and so"... " - Hey, I cant find elsewhere, nor in forum, so I put the question on forum, I think will be better to put there the answer, it may be usefull for others too."

That is the history. It is right, after that, we all were gone on forum and react normal. The answer was awarded by the questionner. It is wrong? I don't think so! Also, we all other "Liked" the answer (and the question), because we thought is important to be seen by others. Did we do wrong? Answer me.

What I found wrong (VERY WRONG) is that a very important search done by our family, not only was erased from forum knowledge, but we were also "ADVISED" that we trick with forum to have points. Deleting points, it could be understandable because of "I don't know what rule", even if I consider abusive. It was not a "personal question as "How many rooms do I have at home" and the other from family, (knowing the answer) said "You have 7 rooms"; Oau, excelent, good answer! Here you have points!!!

My question is if the answer would be done by my other child who live outside of our house (so with other IP), and who knew also about the problem, how Fizz would react? Fizz would have known to delete the tread and the points? Or if answered from mobile? Knows Fizz about families (read accounts) that answer one to another, each member from different mobile ?

But erasing the question and answer is detrimental to fizz forum's society, and even to Fizz client service, as somebody else may consume Fizz time to find the same answer that was already found by us.

This is to be clear for everybody, and to see if that "rule" of Fizz is benefical or not.

My only wish is Fizz to put back the tread it deleted. We don't need any point.

So, dear forumists, I wait for your comments.

Thank you all.



  • Daniela P. #33065
    Daniela P. #33065 Posts: 109 ✭✭

    I hope if I disturbed somone from Fizz, to forgive me.

  • Pascal
    Pascal Posts: 7,471 ✭✭

    Hi @Daniela P. #33065

    There is no problem having several accounts in a family! The only problem is if you use your several family accounts to benefit on the points given on the best answers on the forum! For the rest, there is no problem

    Have a good day

  • Daniela P. #33065
    Daniela P. #33065 Posts: 109 ✭✭

    I will try also to answer to some of the guys who posted in the original tread.

    Pascal Supreme Geek 5/5 Posts: 3,665 ✭✭ Yes you are correct, it is about the forum. But Is not by erasing the good questions and the good answers that Fizz will keep the forum healthy.

    FizzyFizz JQMPM Supreme Geek 5/5 Posts: 4,307 ✭✭ "to farm points more quickly by answering to your own account questions is not allowed". You joke! there are so many ways to harbor points! Just look at your roules! You want to cut? Cut an answer that is in double, an answer that is already answer elsewere in forum, a comment that has nothing to do with the question, etc! But "Daniela" didn't answer to her own question. It was an answer inconnu by the forumists! And even if it was the same who put a question that is important to others and give himself the answer, and it has some benefit for forum knowledge, YOU HAVE TO PAY (points or at least a Thanks!) HIM OR HER FOR THAT! Daniela didn't need points. Not now, and not when the question was posted. Fizz may erase all my points, is not about points. It's about justice.

    @Sergiu "This way, you get points for both accounts, and this is considered gaming." You joke! Why one has any advantage gaining points for many false accounts? Saying I can have 10. I have to work 10 times for having points of just one! It is easyer to focus at one! And, as I replay to FizzyFizz here, if one make an important discovery, and has the benevolence to share with others, Fizz should be grateful, even give a premium for that. Even if is only one person who ask and answer! This is the essence of this forum: find answers to questions. Sometimes, an information can be much more important than the 5 points that you give for a good answer!

    And a question now! My family, who is now in totaly accord with what I write here, should them "Like" or "Agree" with me, or this is forbiden too? For sure, they have same IP on PCs as me.

  • Daniela P. #33065
    Daniela P. #33065 Posts: 109 ✭✭

    OK, so to whom do you think I had to give the answer?

    Say it is true (even it isn't). Let me ask you different. I will go to extrem, but you will understand. Say I know how to transform the lead (Pb) into gold (Au), and I put here the question "how to do that?" (and let's say nobody knows), and then I will answer to myself, and share this secret with this forum. In your opinion, my entire thread should be erased, as I answer to myself, and I broke the rule. This is the way?

    But the reality is different! Why not to recognise the effort of one who find the answer, and moreover, who spent the time to write it here. Even if is my son. Why he shoul be denied to write? Like I said, and now I repeat, he could write from his cell if he wanted to "gamble with forum", and nobody would have known that he is my son! (of in family, whatever!)

  • elena code xzi4t
    elena code xzi4t Posts: 10,235 ✭✭

    This question must answered from a @Whizz as a moderators knows all the rules

  • Pascal
    Pascal Posts: 7,471 ✭✭
    edited March 2024

    I think there is a little bad will in your efforts to understand the rules! If your son would be in a cell as you say, there would be no problem, unless you deliberately create one post after another to always benefit your son! The problem is that you use the same IP, probably the same PC! How we can know that you are not in control of your son's account and that you do not jump from one account to another just to give you the best answers! Fizz has existed since 2018, they have seen this situation repeated several times

  • elena code xzi4t
    elena code xzi4t Posts: 10,235 ✭✭

    Try slowing to integrate with the forum, and if you want to talk about advance subject this is not the place.

    if you make a discover that you want to discuss you should think public an article in a scientific review or in arXiv or others

  • Daniela P. #33065
    Daniela P. #33065 Posts: 109 ✭✭

    You talk here about points, I talk about knowledge. Like I said, points can be deducted eliminated, but why erase the thread? It is crazy to deny a knowledge because of the (supposed) wrong way to to acquire it. Let's renounce of a lot of medical knowledge, because most of it was aquired by experiences on animals. Personal, I don't agree with animal experiences, but it is stupid to draw away all the good knowledge. In my case, it was good the info to stay for the benefit of others. Why is wrong that I want to unerase the thread?

  • Pascal
    Pascal Posts: 7,471 ✭✭
    edited March 2024

    I think you really don't want to understand! If you want to have discussions with your son, you can go see him in his bedroom!

    This is not really a place to talk about medicine or chemestry!

    Fizz is a mobile and internet provider

  • Daniela P. #33065
    Daniela P. #33065 Posts: 109 ✭✭

    @Pascal "I think there is a little bad will in your efforts to understand the rules! " I understood very well the rules, I just say that that rules are not perfect, and they - as they are judged and applied here - can not eradicate the problem. And by deleting the thread, Fizz don't punish the wrongdoing, it punish the forumists who may need that info, and Client-service that need to re-explain something it was already written here.

  • Pascal
    Pascal Posts: 7,471 ✭✭

    I don't think the forum need to know something about chemistry or medicine!

  • SuperFizzeur
    SuperFizzeur Posts: 3,767 ✭✭
    edited March 2024

    This topic needs to be deleted or closed. Thanks.

  • Daniela P. #33065
    Daniela P. #33065 Posts: 109 ✭✭

    @Pascal It was not about chemistry, what you talking about? I spoke metaphorically, just use chemistry as an similar example of not a good rule. Or animals. The Question and Answer that I consider importants was about a FIZZ matter, to that FIZZ client service answered to us, and that answer was shared to the forum.

    This thread is about this: if the rule to erase a "supposed" dishonest answer is correct or not, even if the answer is correct and important eventually for other forumists.

    Delete even the question? Why? I understand that the incorrect points should be reversed, even if is just "supposed" dishonest, eventually, Fizz may cut another 1000 points or so from the thief's account, but why deleting the information, moreover if is correct. In any case, deleting all thread is not a solution. This is what it disturb me. Not the points.

    So, is that a good rule? I want to know the opinion of other forumists, beside you two, so please not close this thread yet.

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,085 admin

    Hello @Daniela P. #33065 ,

    We`ve had a few discussions on this subject as you were informed by a few moderators on what are does and don`ts on the forum.

    To avoid any further spam and possible aggravation on the thread, I will close it as it appears that the discussion has generalized in a non-productive way.

    It might not be to your liking and I`m sorry about that , but we just want to avoid possible misbehavior.

    Have a good one,

    -Raul, Community Moderator.

This discussion has been closed.