How do you get points to level up?

Ive been stuck on level 4 and I need to get to level 5 to add a perk
Best Answer
Here's a list of things that will get you points. The post is unfortunately a few years old and may no longer be 100% accurate, but I can confirm that most seem to still apply.
What's not mentioned is that just making payments will also give you quite a few points.
Good luck!
How many points are you needing?
Check out this post for some tips and tricks -
Good luck!
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Answer more questions in this forum, or refer someone, OR simply buy a phone in Fizz store. I managed get many points with a new phone purchase last month.
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Each time you answer a post you get 3 points! Each time you get a badge I believe you get 50 points!
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The best way is to collect badges and help other people on the forum imo.
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Definitely helping folks on the forum.
it is slow - 3 pts per post - but it can accumulate quite a bit, on the order of, say, 300 pts after 100 replies, and 3,000 pts after 1,000 replies — not even counting badges, which can boost you up even more.
Otherwise, buying a new phone thru Fizz instead of thru the OEM works too.
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Thanks for all the answers, I was wondering the same thing too.
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Just keep paying your bill. Most other things aren't worth your time since they nerfed all the ways to get points