Price increase for current plan

shyao Posts: 9 ✭✭
edited April 2021 in My Mobile

An email received saying price increased $3 for my current plan. This is terrible. I didn't change my plan. And when we subscribe, no info advised that the price can be changed freely. That's a typical contractual price as other telecom providers. Now the reason for loyal customers is the subscribtion was in stablization period. YES!!! when I transferred to Fizz, I took a lot of pain. I cann't use my old number, because it was not transferred successfully. I had to change to a new number and updated all my documents and accounts. Other than that, we experienced some other problems during that time as well.

Now, you told me you have improved your system, no need for old customers from stablization period. Oh, that is so human! And I just subscribe the home internet plan with Fizz a couple of days before receiving the email. Congrats to myself, with Fizz!!!

Best Answer

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 22,489 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi Shyao,
    I can see that you have talked to a colleague of mine about this earlier and indeed, your mobile plan will change as this promotion will end and that is why it will increase by $3 starting with your next payment cycle.

    Thank you very much for your understanding.

    Have a good one!



  • Dgjf
    Dgjf Posts: 3,118 ✭✭

    Fizz said on this policy they can changed any price with a notice of 30 days so its seem normal to me.

    You get an awsome price for 2 years its seem to me its a nice deal and im sure even with this 3$ more you still have an really nice dal.

  • shyao
    shyao Posts: 9 ✭✭

    And I am not the customer subscribed before April 12th, 2019. I ordered the SIM card on April 14th, 2019, activated even later. To be honest, I dislike the communication Fizz offered. No respect. And I suppose to have a discount for the package of mobile and home internet, but I get nothing. To save my time, I just subscribe the home internet anyway. Then I got the email. LOL

  • Dgjf
    Dgjf Posts: 3,118 ✭✭

    Why you sais No respect ? I mean they give you the 30 days notice and the Whizz ansered where is the lack of respect in that ?

  • shyao
    shyao Posts: 9 ✭✭

    The communication is always like arguement back and force. Not heading to a solution. Now it is happening in the same. It is not the general customer service level.

  • Dgjf
    Dgjf Posts: 3,118 ✭✭

    I dont see the argument here they tell you have a 3$ increase end of story.

    Now you have to make a choice : Do the new price is fine by you or do you want to change plan (or quit Fizz).

    At last Fizz is not like some compagnie where the price change randomly every other month

  • shyao
    shyao Posts: 9 ✭✭

    Well, I didn't experience that random price change until I chose fizz. This is exhausting, unfortunately. I will make my decision. No worries.

  • shyao
    shyao Posts: 9 ✭✭

    This is Fizz statements. But I did not see any benefits in my account. Any explanation of that, except arguments with the $3 price increase? I asked questions above. Just be ignored as always. Will you be satisfied about the service?

  • Dgjf
    Dgjf Posts: 3,118 ✭✭

    Im sorry but its the same evrywhere. Because coming to Fizz i was at virgin and they up the price by 5$/Month so i leave to Fizz.

    Id sad but its when money work. Each years you earn more but need to spend more to keep the same services (electricity, internet, ect).

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 22,489 admin

    Hi Shyao,

    Sure thing, you got it, if you check under Overview->See details and then click on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen where it says My Upgrades-> Internet you can see you have unlocked 2 of them, of 2$ and 1$ respectively.
    You also have two available Upgrade slots to apply both of these discounts whenever you see fit. They will be applied starting with the next payment cycle from the moment you've applied them.

    Aside from this, you also have quite a few Data Upgrades for your mobile plan unlocked and I can see you are already enjoying 2 of them right now.

    More details about the Rewards program can be found in our link here:

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Have a fine day!


  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 11,627 ✭✭

    Hi shyao,

    A few others have posted about the same email.

    Here is what Fizz stated back then in October 2019: "I subscribed BETWEEN April 12, 2019, AND October 16th, 2019, inclusively: When you subscribed to Fizz during the stabilization period, you were informed that your plan was to switch to its regular price once that period was over. But to thank you for your patience and collaboration, you get to keep the price you are paying now until early 2020You will be notified of the switch to the regular price 30 days in advance."

    It looks like Fizz delayed the increase until now (April 2021), instead of early 2020 as they had originally planned.

    You can see the Fizz announcements here:

  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 11,627 ✭✭

    As Whizz wrote, if you are not already using your free upgrades, you are missing out on potential savings.

    You should activate them as soon as you can, so that they will go in effect at your next renewal.

    Also note that Fizz will occasionally modify their data plans offered and they have recently lowered the price of their higher data plans.

    To see if Fizz offers a more suitable plan for you, you can take a look at the current mobile plan offers here: and how to change your plan here:

    Another benefit of Fizz mobile is that you can customize your plan to suit your needs.

  • shyao
    shyao Posts: 9 ✭✭

    I like current communications. Even I never received any info on potential price increase when I ordered the SIM card, I can accept the policy now. And the time range fit my historical transaction. I didn't notice the upgrade of internet. So I can apply them to my home internet plan? But I just unsubscribed my home internet plan, which was on the way. It looks like I have nothing to do with that until I get the refund, correct? Or maybe you can help me to recover, then I will apply the internet upgrade to it?

  • shyao
    shyao Posts: 9 ✭✭

    Thank you for all the explanations and reminders.

  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 11,627 ✭✭

    Hi shyao,

    It is never too late. My understanding is that you are waiting for the installation appointment and you have cancelled the appointment?

    In this case, you can go back on your Fizz account to arrange another installation appointment. If you do not see the option, you may have to wait 24 hours after cancelling the previous appointment.

    At any time if you need help with your account, you can reach Fizz support by Live Chat:

    1. Connect to your Fizz account by clicking « Login » in the top right corner at
    2. Any ad blockers in your browser should be disabled.
    3. Open a Fizz help page like this one:
    4. The green chat bubble should appear after a few seconds in the bottom right corner.
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 22,489 admin

    Indeed, Shyao, I can see you cancelled the subscription that you placed on April 19th.
    If you want to benefit from those upgrades I mentioned you would need to subscribe again and then have an active Internet plan under which to activate those upgrades.

    If you wish to subscribe to Fizz Home Internet, you can do so from your Fizz account->Overview-> Get started-> Internet as also described here on our FAQ:

    During the subscription process, you will be able to choose the appointment day from a calendar that will be presented to you or in other words, the day when you will have the modem delivered to you by our technician and when it will be installed by either him for 30$ extra(VIP installation) or by you at no additional cost(Self install):

    Thank you for your consideration.


  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 11,627 ✭✭

    Note that you can start activating your internet freebies (upgrades) once your installation is complete. Then you can enjoy the savings starting with your first renewal.

  • shyao
    shyao Posts: 9 ✭✭

    I subscribe with a higher data internet plan again. But the upgrades cannot be applied. Maybe I need to wait after installation when the internet is activated? Hope they will not disappear at that time.😅

  • shyao
    shyao Posts: 9 ✭✭

    I got you. Thanks a lot. Just ignore my last comment. the page was not refreshed at that time. I enjoy my service now.

    Have a great day~~

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