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Data Gifting
Got extra data, or perhaps you need data? This is the place to raise your hand and make friends.
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Need data here please - code H9KJHHello Community, If you have extra data, it will be appreciated if you can share with me. Thank you…
In need of Data giftingDear friends, I am out of data and have 10 days left of my cycle. It would mean a lot if someone gi…
Looking for some dataI am looking for some data if any of you have please share. Even 500mb would be good. I will help y…
Looking for some dataHi! I’m desperately in need of some data. I’m in the hospital for the next 3 weeks but I can’t Face…
In need of data please :(Hi everyone, I still have 12 days on my cycle and I'm in a real need of data. Can you please help m…
1GB Perks expiring shortly (23 hours from midnight)DM a phone number (or email associated with the account?)
DataHello! If enyone has extra data I would be very grateful!! Shared some data with my family but I ne…
Data giftingDoes anyone have extra data please?😢 my code is HO5J1 Thank you😅
A few 1 GB perks to givePlease PM me your telephone# if you like so I can send you a perk.
Does anyone have data to gift?Hi! Does anyone have data to gift? Data isn't really affordable for me right now QERJE is my referr…
2gb do giveSend me your number in private.
Got a few 1 GB perks left that are expiring in 2 hoursLet me know your code and I can send you 1GB of data.
#gift #datawould be happy if you gift me your extra data. Really I need it. Thank you in advance. My referral…
Help, need some dataGreetings :-) can someone send me some data please here is my code: AFD5H Thanks! Merci!
Does anyone need data?Please share your code.
Anyone needs Data?Got Data gigs to give away. Anyone needs any?
4 x 1go to giveAnyone need some data? 4x 1go to give
2 gigs to give in 0.5mbLike the title says got 2 gigs to burn today let me know your codes
data giftingWhy others can't gift me data when I didn't book my data for my plan?
Data giftingDoes anyone has a extra data? Could you please gift me? my referral code is: MQNP5
Data giftingI need some data thank you
Besoin de donneés :Bjrs, j'aurai besoin de données , pour la fin de mon cycle, mon code est Y3CTO merci
I need more data.I had covid in January and i was unable to work. I was actually scared for a good week. But I survi…
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