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Data Gifting
Got extra data, or perhaps you need data? This is the place to raise your hand and make friends.
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Any Data to give?Here is my referal code KXAFC. Thank you.
I need a few data 1st month :SI would need a few data this month. It’s my first months and only took 1gb but clearly I’m going to…
Data Gifting:)?Hii, i ran out of data and i have 15 days left to my cycle.? Ref code : VT8QQ. If somebody could he…
In need of dataHi can someone send me some data please? my code is Z62IS /***-***-1838 thank you so much if you d…
Any one else?This morning I gifted some data to my daughter that is currently in Toronto, that she needs!!! The …
In the country and need some data for a video call to 🇵🇱I have satellite-based Internet, but it doesn't work in the rain, and also the latency is too slow …
Need some data . appreciate so much. thank you.49IL5. thank you.
I have a few GB to give :)Hi! I have 5 GB to give, send me your referable code :)
Data neededHi! Anyone nice enough to gift me some data please? Thank you if you do! 😁
Data to donate :)pretty cool this is possible.... anyway i got excessive data, id love to help someone out
Data giftingHii, im out of data and i have 15 days left with not much data. If somebody could help me it would …
Anyone has extra dataHello guys.. I ran out my data and there are 12 days left any data gift would be much appreciated❤️…
GB help pleaseHello, please i need some gb, my wifi at work is extremely slow. CVBHR thank you very much to all d…
Spare GB’s ?Hi fam, i need GB’s to continue my month at work since they change me post! If you guys can help m…
In DIRE need of data, if someone could help id really appreciate itMy referal code is ZCXUK, Thank you in advance :D
I can't add a friend to my contact listI tried to follow the steps to add a friend in my contact to gift my perks but it's impossible. I …
In desperate need of dataA problem with my Fizz wifi router this weekend had me on data without noticing….wondering if anybo…
1GB RewardGot a 1GB reward I don't need that'll expire soon. Not sure how I gift them so if anyone wants it j…
In need of data to tide me till next month!Here is my code if you happen to have extra data J8B25. Thanks! It would be very appreciated :)
Anybody to gift data for my mom is at the hospital with no wifi.She has 10GB data plan, but she is going through it way faster than expected. She is down to 3GB af…
Need Data? I have more than I can use🌺 Write down your referral code 🌺
In need of dataPlease if anyone has any extra data could you spare me some? Thanks!
Seeking for datasal my datas were pulled out in my PC hotspot without knowing. Now i got no more datas for the rest…
DataGXQTA Here is my code tyvm :)
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