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Data Gifting
Got extra data, or perhaps you need data? This is the place to raise your hand and make friends.
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spare 1 GB please646VW just to end my cycle (3 more days), I Had mistakenly left my data on earlier this month thin…
Desperately Need DataHi Everyone, I seem to have run out of data and still have 10 days until the same is replenished…
Lost my phone with my good plan and could use your help guys <3 6D6Z5Long story short my phone was stolen and I can't switch sim cards and I saved a lot of data and jus…
Extra DataIf anyone could gift some extra data, like 250 MB, would be much appreciated. Thank you. Code: UZ4D4
Need some extra data pls help5B5H6 thank you !
Need Data, could anyone please help?My code: R7MUB I’m running out of data, could anyone please help me out? Thanks a lot!
Need some data for work! Much appreciated!G9Z13 I need some data in order to do my job. Thanks in advance!
Hey is anyone able to send me data? Need data for work46BW1 is my code
Need some data please!Under estimate my usage lol Only 1gb left but still have 20days left :'( anyone can share some da…
In need of data if anyone got some that they can spareHey everyone hope you are having a nice summer! I'm running low on data right now (1.12 GB left), i…
On the other side of the fence. Please share some dataHello community! Usually I am on the other side of these conversations, but some reckless video wa…
Data requestI'm running low on data and currently need 1 GB to get through the rest of the period. Any help wou…
Looking for US data swappingI've got at least 5G extra on my account CAN but I'm paying top dollars for roaming in the states. …
Can anyone spare some extra data? I2QHP would be lovelyI have 200mb left and I don’t have wifi connection most of the day, it would mean a lot to me if an…
Need some Data PlzGood morning! I upgraded yesterday to 40 GB plan from 1 GB I had, but I still have 25 days to go a…
Data, please!If anyone has data to gift, please do! FVCJQ
Need some data - EE2UKHello everyone, I need some data, my bill cycle still have 9days to go. I purchased extra data la…
Stuck In The WoodsGreetings, I'm stuck in the woods by myself for a bit and could use some extra data if anyone has s…
Need more data: Q92YTHi fellas, I am out of data. Would someone gift me some data to survive this cycle? My code is Q92Y…
Need some data - EE2UKCan anyone send me some data please? I am already ran out of data and still got 5 days to go :( a…
I'm all out of data. Anybody has some to spare?L7U2J Thank you!!!!
New to fizz. Tiny bit of data please?I'm new and got a plan with no data. I just changed it, but it won't kick in for 2 weeks. Does anyo…
Anyone who has extra care to sharePlease I just recently upgraded but am still stuck on 0.2GB for the next 2 weeks anyone (HQATW)
Can anyone spare some extra data? would be lovely I2QHPi have 200mb left and i dont have any wifi connection most of the day I2QHP, it would mean a lot to…
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