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Data Gifting
Got extra data, or perhaps you need data? This is the place to raise your hand and make friends.
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Data and Fizz FriendsLets get our badge (I haven't gotten mine) for adding a Fizz friend. Please PM your number and I wi…
Need some data pleaseUpgraded recently am stuck with 0.2GB left for next 2 weeks please help anyone who has extra😭
I have Extra Data to giftI have Extra Data to gift, just send me your reference code.
20GB Data to gift, 2GB/personI recently upgraded to a 20GB data plan with Fizz, and I find myself with more data than I can use.…
I've EXTRA DATA to GIFT, who wants some?Hey there! I've some extra DATA, so in case anyone needs it, Please leave your referral code in the…
Lost my phone with my good plan and could use your help guys <36D6Z5Long story short my phone was stolen and I can't switch sim cards and I saved a lot of data and jus…
Can data gifting be done to another number on the same account?Can you gift data from one phone number to another on the same account? Aka another plan on the sam…
Anonymous GiftingHello everyone, I would like to thank the Anonymous gifters who randomly gift people here and there…
Any spare data?Hi all, I'll be out of town for a little while and I'm all out of data. If anyone has extra and loo…
Can u help me please ? ZUWOXHey guys this is my code ZUWOX I need some data to finish the month please, I used a lot but I d…
Need extra data - PFSOTI am in my first month using Fizz.. I would appreciate some data gifting and I am still figuring ou…
Need some data please! - WSTZNI thought 6gb would be enough. My bill cycle just started and I'm already close to being done :'(
Looking for data because of an issue with my internetHello all! I am currently in the process of moving appartments and, because of an issue with the w…
Extra dataThanks to rollover, I didn't use any data in my current cycle, and I've got 20GB extra data. Please…
Needing Data - 6UTLCHi guys, I need some more data if someone got an extra for this month. My account link is 6UTLC and…
Happy Canada Day . Support me with more data pls.I7OFB. Thanks
Need your supportHi team, my home internet was not working yesterday I had to use my data, i feel asleep watching yo…
Hey people, got any extra data you can share? I2QHPplease if anyone spare some data it would be really helpful, mu referral code is I2QHP
Data requestHi All, this is my first month using fizz and I had like 20 GB plan. However my home internet was d…
need some data - PFSOTplease need some extra data. 🙏
change numberI have a fizz number but I would like to change the number to a number with the prefix number 514, …
Do you have some data for me ? :) ZUWOXHey guys I need some data to work please if you can :) I dont have any wifi in my apartement yet. I…
Help, does anyone have some extra data they could gift?I've ran out of data....rely on it for work. Any help is appreciated. Thank you very much@
Can you give me some data please ? :)Hey ! I create this post to ask some data if you can help me ! I had like 15GO and i used like 10G…
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