YU396 Free Palestine!
YU396 Free Palestine!dans This is the place for your referral codes. Here, and only here ⇩ Commentaire de Manny L. avril 2024
What kind of benefits do we get when we reach level 9?dans I am trying to make some point to get the level 9, any recomendations? Commentaire de Manny L. avril 2024
Hi Guys, I can confirm that at least in my building and neighborhood, videotron does not get the same interruptions as fizz. My downstairs neighbor has videotron and her internet works everytime mine goes down, and she almost never has interruptions. How can fizz internet be so unreliable if it's the same company as…dans Do fizz internet disruptions affect Videotron users too? Commentaire de Manny L. septembre 2021
So just to be sure, I can't replace the Fizz CODA modem with another modem? I keep having connection problems and Fizz says it's not the network, and I know it's not my routers since I've changed those a lot, so the problem must be my modem. I really want to try with another modem, has no one done this?
Thank you Andrei for this suggestion, yes I have to reset the modem every 3-4 months because the connection becomes unstable. So if the problem is not the network in general, can you suggest a better modem for me to buy?dans Anyone else experiencing internet shortages in the parc-x area? Commentaire de Manny L. juillet 2021
Thanks StefanM that's really good to know!
These interruptions happen a little too often around here, Fizz, any suggestions, can you help?dans Anyone else experiencing internet shortages in the parc-x area? Commentaire de Manny L. juillet 2021
Here's mine, thanks! YU396dans This is the place for your referral codes. Here, and only here ⇩ Commentaire de Manny L. avril 2021
Very generous indeed!
Yep here's to friendship!
So I asked support why i don't have this third 2$ perk and they said it's not related to reaching level 5, it's related to the amount of activity you have in the community. This is misleading, the program is described as your activity giving you points, and you get perks when your points reach certain levels. Not cool Fizz!
Hi fizzy, thanks for that list but yeah my perks don't reflect that. At level 5 I only have two 2$ rebates for Internet, not 3. Think this is something customer support could help me with?
Very generous offer!
You can buy a cell phone signal booster for that! Look them up, good luck
Hi Anthony, I would definitely contact support, they should be able to help with this. There are 3 ways to do so: CHAT Go to this page (any article will do) https://fizz.ca/en/faq/what-payment-methods-can-i-use Log in if you're not already. The business hours are every day from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. (EST). Wait 5 seconds for…
They're very fast mine only took 3 days
Like most cell or internet services the payment is automatic once your credit card is linked, which it has to be to open an account in the first place.
Nice gesture I'm sure someone will want it!
Yeah I don't see the point in passing more for speed that's already fast enough. However the idea that 5g could replace our wired modem for home internet is interesting. No more modem and router!
Nice gesture!dans I have some data to gift. Please pm me if anybody wants it :) Commentaire de Manny L. février 2021
Hahaha it's too small for me too sometimes
I had this problem too and had to disable by VPN
Mine too, they told me it's because I have no data included in my plan
15mbps is the recommended minimum