It has been over 60 days
don't think so
try unplugging with 5 minutes and see if everything starts
reset your password
everything is online no phone support
contact support with the chat bubble
factory reset your modem and if the issue is still there
contact support through chat bubble
yes you can up to 3
- there will be a chat bubble at bottom right .make sure you log in and speak with support
depends when you subscribed to the service
user name is cusadmin
try resetting password
you have to get to level 2 start clicking on those little hearts
I've been trying to get the chat bubble but nothing is coming up
no, it just stopped this morning
fill a contact form
use the chat bubble contact support
it happened to me. I put a new card and then updated the card and there should be a selection to make payment now and should process the payment. That option only shows if the card didn't go through the first time.
reset your phone to factory settings and retry
unknown at this time
the reason that they have low prices is the cut off all overheads, fizz is all online.
yes you can
contact them on Facebook
very good no Issues in west island