Moi non plus. Mais j'espère que quelquun de généreux pourra t'aider! :)
Everything works fine! Are you still experiencing issues today?
I had the same issues but once I've contacted fizz support everything has been resolved! You should do the same!
what's addon it's the first time i heard about that method of paiement!
You should contact fizz customer service for further question. They will gladly help you out!
Le support technique de Fizz pourrait vous aider
J'ai la même question!
Did you try to restard your phone? If the problem is still present you can also contact the customer service of Fizz. They will gladly help you out
Thanks for the notice!
Yes you order your sim card first. Once you receive it you will be able to create a plan with Fizz !
Ask Fizz customer service!
However if you lost your pin you can contact the Fizz customer support service. They will help you sorting things out!
Wow bonne initiative de Fizz pour se faire connaître d'avantage
Le cadeau de 1go s'applique à l'instant même lorsque vous l'activé!
Essayer de rejoindre le service à la clientèle Fizz
Ca m'étonnerai grandement que Fizz honorera sa promesse.
Thankz Whizz for your help!
Contact fizz customer service they will gladly help you!
2 pour 1 sur tickets de cinéma ou certains produits téléphonique! :)
Fizz customer support can help you
Indeed you can't. You can try by contacting fizz costumer service and ask them for further question about payment cycle.
You new plan will come to effect at your next billing cycle. If you have more question however you can contact the Fizz costumer support!
Fling tu es le chanceux qui remporte 1go de donnée. Envoie moi tes coordonnées en message privé et le 1go est à toi!
En effet, j'ai le même problème présentement :(
Try to ask FIzz customer support. I'm sure they will be able to help you and answer all your questions!