Votre cadeau de 1 Go est bien expiré.
De fois ça peut prendre jusqu'à 24 heure pour l'activation où transfert d'un numéro.
Excellent idea.Way to go Fizz!
Lg released a statement who mentioned that they will offer support and warranty for the next couple of years.
"if you change your plan after the stabilization period, regular prices will apply" You will be charged regular prices since the stabilization period ended a long time ago.
15 April "What goes up, must come down. Past April 15, 2021, your friends can still use your code, but the referral bonus will be back to $25"
Bonjour! Voici mon code NAR8P De plus, aux 3 premières personnes qui utilisent mon code, je vais leur transférer 1Gb d'internet pour troi mois.
J'ai un LG V50.J'espère que je passerai bientôt au V60 mais pour l'instant, ils sont encore trop chers à mon goût.
I just finished watching Season 3 of Dark on Netflix and I'm speechless. Better than most of the shows I watched in the last years. This show is pure art, perfect plot without plot holes, phenomenal cast and perfect music. Highly recommended!
Seen it and I almost felt asleep a couple of times. To be honest this was my first movie on the franchise and I think I'm well over the target audience age. My son was happy with it.
Except that is not. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to get to level 5.Best of luck!
Je pense que c'est surfait mais j'aime leur politique de retour et l'extension de garantie.
Lg a un rapport qualité-prix incroyable.J'espère que vous choisirez d'en acheter un.Je possède actuellement le lg v50 et je suis très impressionné par ce téléphone.Avant, j'ai eu le g5 puis un g6 jamais eu de problème avec aucun d'eux.
Happy Valentine's day!
You're getting the points after the return period expires.
Didn't know that Fizzy.Good info!
Thanks for sharing.Very good news.
No numbers have been ever published, so we can only assume about this.I really hope they have enough as I am really wishing for this company to succeed.
That's the way to go!
Same thing happened to me the other day whitout changing my phone or my apn settings.I decided to ignore it and move along. Probably it's just a random generated message.
We are users like you Amira.In order to solve this problem you will have to contact Fizz support page.
Personally I don't see myself willing to pay extra for 5G as I'm pretty happy with LTE speed. My son ,on the other hand, is pretty excited about the hole thing.
No pricematch with Fizz unfortunately.
I bought a new Iphone as well. Arrived after two days and everything was perfect.Very pleasant experience overall.I have no experience with the used phone though.
Thanks guys! Proudly wearing my badge!