Log-in page down? Redirecting to a different page than usual.

Dkall Posts: 5 ✭✭
edited September 2024 in Your Fizz Account

Is the log-in page down for anyone else at the moment? I'm getting redirected to a different page than usual and I wanted to verify if anyone else is experiencing the same thing because I can't find anything official from Fizz themselves about it.

I'm being redirected to a log-in screen with the following title


Seems fishy to me right now so I refrained from logging in. Please comment if it's intentional or not

Best Answer

  • Drividor
    Drividor Posts: 796 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Sometimes it happens, try to clean cache and cockies from your navigator


  • Drividor
    Drividor Posts: 796 ✭✭

    I can log in, so try this!

  • Dkall
    Dkall Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Did that and now I'm getting another redirect still without logging in. This is what it shows


    Administration Console

  • Dkall
    Dkall Posts: 5 ✭✭

    So incognito mode does the trick, I wonder why it's redirecting me to the developer portal or whatever that is.

  • Drividor
    Drividor Posts: 796 ✭✭

    Try this link: https://auth.fizz.ca/oauth2/aus1gk401eKpy4ZWH697/v1/authorize?scope=openid+profile+email&state=P1C8FshOMKQkYKjzH_j8i3Z94Z1VtaMZhJnAcDs-FU0.dce-frontend&response_type=code&client_id=0oa235sj4gFY6ksMf697&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fsso.fizz.ca%2Fauth%2Frealms%2Fetiyademo%2Fbroker%2Fokta%2Fendpoint

  • Dkall
    Dkall Posts: 5 ✭✭
    edited September 2024

    No worries, now that I know incognito mode points me to the right direction I know the issue is on my end but I'm still curious as to what is this website and why. When I try logging in, it says wrong PW but when I press on forgot PW it sends me an email to reset my PW. I've dealt with this in the past and it happened to be a security flaw in the system so I'm wondering if this is something Fizz should be concerned about or maybe we should lol

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,136 admin

    Hello Dkall 

    I've opened a ticket to our technical team in order to investigate this matter further. 
    Your ticket number is #306056 . You can view it and track its progress from My settings → My tickets. Once we have a response, we will get back to you via email. Rest assured as our technical team will try their best to solve this as soon as possible.

    In the meantime, please try to clear the cookies & cache too and see if the issue still persists. 

    Feel free to contact us directly if you have other questions https://fizz.ca/en/support

    Have a great day!

    -Ingrid, Community Moderator 

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