and malware

PsykoB Posts: 446 ✭✭
edited July 12 in Break Room

So, it seems is affected by the attack:

Malwarebytes has blocked the malware on my end but fizz will need to correct the website asap.

Best Answer


  • kaitokun
    kaitokun Posts: 1,357 ✭✭

    That's pretty concerning. 😞

  • wenhan
    wenhan Posts: 1,310 ✭✭

    where did you find that fizz is affected?

  • PsykoB
    PsykoB Posts: 446 ✭✭

    malwarebytes blocked the vulnerabilities. Not fizz fault. They just have to mitigate the risk by disabling the feature. A lot of important website are affected accros the world

  • jvh_NVPF2
    jvh_NVPF2 Posts: 973 ✭✭
    edited July 11

    From what I've read it looks like the worst it can do is redirect you to phishing websites but that might change.

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 23,492 admin

    Hello @PsykoB

    Thanks for the information.

    We will investigate this further and if there are any risks on our side, we will definitely take the necessary measures to provide our customers the services without having to worry regarding security concerns.

    Until now we didn't have this type of alerts, however we will make sure that it's resolved, if it happens to affect us too.

    More details regarding this type of concerns can be found here

    Have a good rest!

    -Ingrid, Community Moderator

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