Wifi signal is not strong enough

A.J. Posts: 11 ✭✭
edited June 3 in Internet


ive had a fizz modem for almost 4 years do they need to be upgraded every so often? i have an 800sqft apartment and my living room is on the otherside of my office. Living room has the modem there because of the TV. The wifi seems to always cut off in my office it only holds two bars and disconnects every 45mins. How can i fix this rather than having to reset the modem all the time. Ive been cut off from some very important meetings and everyone tells my just my connection. I live alone so its not like other people are tapped into the betwork just my devices. Im thinking of cancelling and going with a competitor no one at fizz seems to respond with an effective solution not just a temporary reset. Please help do i need a new modem? Do i need two modems?

Best Answer

  • BeakBird
    BeakBird Posts: 3,377 ✭✭
    edited May 29 Answer ✓

    If you think you problem is with the wifi, there is another option (specially for a work computer).

    You can buy powerline network extenders. They use your apartment's electrical wires to transmit the network signal. You plug one into an electrical outlet near your modem and connect one of its Ethernet ports to one of the LAN ports of your modem and plug the other one in an electrical outlet near your computer and connect one of its Ethernet ports to your computer.

    This will give you the stability of a wired connection with decent speeds.


  • elena code xzi4t
    elena code xzi4t Posts: 8,072 ✭✭

    hi @A.J.

    The modem signal is an average one, I personally suggest to use your own router and configure the modem in bridge mode.

    Or try to move the modem in different place, this can make a little difference.Moreover try to disable the band steering in this way you will connect to the 2.4Ghz this can help with the distance but the speed will be around 80 mbps

  • gogoer
    gogoer Posts: 58 ✭✭

    use your own router with bridge mode of Fizz router

  • LiberaVeritas
    LiberaVeritas Posts: 4 ✭✭
    How many walls are between the modem and the office? More than two walls, and I would suggest an additional access point. Ideally the modem is located centrally.

    You can run Ethernet along the baseboard (easy with hot glue) with a matching colour or with a trim cover to connect directly in your office, or to connect an additional access point.

    Also try different channel settings, and use 2.4ghz for better range.
  • Soma
    Soma Posts: 145 ✭✭

    +1. Best bang for your buck is to get a good router. Then don't box it in (walls or cabinet)

  • AlexJS
    AlexJS Posts: 992 ✭✭

    Another consideration is if you have many Wifi networks around your home (usually neighbours Wifi) then there can be network interference, and it could be worth it to try to manually set which Wifi band you use to avoid it overlapping with the others. I have done this and it improved my network performance considerably.

  • BeakBird
    BeakBird Posts: 3,377 ✭✭

    That was my thought when I suggested the powerline adapters. There could be interference on the Wi-Fi if there are a lot of transmitters nearby.

  • BradDoell
    BradDoell Posts: 160 ✭✭
    edited September 30

    Hi @A.J.

    The tech specs from the fizz web page for the current fizz modem/router look to be more than sufficient for your use. The pic of the current one is at the bottom of this message.

    Without getting into all the technical details about what could be causing your troubles, I would highly suggest that you get their latest router before spending money on a router of your own. One of the primary things most routers will do when reset is search for and grab available channels and frequencies. But these channels and frequencies can get cluttered again and living in an apartment can amplify this issue due to the sheer number of modems/routers in the vicinity.

    The best routers will allow you to refresh the channels and signals with an app when performance is degrading, something I have to do now and then even with my 700.00 set. It looks like the newest Fizz modem/router is capable of that.

    I have my own 700.00 set of routers because I have in excess of 30 devices connected at any one time and the cable modem/router I have from my provider is not sufficient for the coverage I want.

    My advice is to get a new router, if it is not the one pictured below, and use the app to refresh the channels/frequencies just before an important meeting.

    A long winded answer I know, but I hope this helps.


    P.s. thanks for the reminder, I just checked my routers, and one of them needed to have the channels optimized.

  • nick182
    nick182 Posts: 13 ✭✭
    To whom it may help: I personally found out that some software features interfered with speed (ex. in particular, protection features in VPN suites). When I turn it off, the speed gets back to normal!

    The trick is to compare through various devices while staying in the same area, and then measuring speed also in different areas in the residence. Helps with diagnosis
  • AlexJS
    AlexJS Posts: 992 ✭✭

    If you are connected through a VPN then you will be limited by the speed of your VPN provider, it will be the slower of your VPN and Fizz.

  • BeakBird
    BeakBird Posts: 3,377 ✭✭

    You have to log in to your modem and disable the "residential gateway function". This puts the modem in bridge mode, which disables the modem's WiFi and NAT functionality.

    You then plug your router's WAN port into one of the LAN ports of your modem.

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 22,337 admin

    Hello A.J. 

    We're sorry for the inconvenience.

    As some customers already specified, the solution would be using a Wi-Fi extender in the areas where the connection is not so great. Another solution would be to arrange a service call and install a coaxial outlet somewhere near the office so that the strongest connection could be received from there.

    More details regarding speed issues can be found here https://fizz.ca/en/faq/my-wi-fi-network-not-working-its-slow-or-it-cuts-what-do-i-do

    If the issue still persists, please contact us directly and we will gladly assist you https://fizz.ca/en/support

    As for the best answer, I assigned it to BeakBird  as he gave the closest answer to the issue.

    Thanks for your understanding!

    Have a good rest,

    -Ingrid, Community Moderator 

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