Why fizz is not offering static IP service ?
Why fizz is not offering static IP service ?
Need this service in order to be able to host a personal email server, which will required access to reverse DNS configuration, feature only available on static IPs.
I don't mind paying extra for this, but at the moment fizz is not offering this functionality. And I don't understand why, as Videotron (the parent of Fizz) has such a service available.
Best Answer
Hello @A O,
You can set your devices to a static IP by using the DHCP function in the modem interface.
To access the modem interface you need to open any browser and by entering on the link bar (while being connected to the Wi-Fi).
Go into Basic and there you will have the option for DHCP reservation.
If you are interested in more settings in your modem interface you can always check the CODA 4680 user guide that you can find online.
I have selected this to the appropriate answer to your question.
I wish you a nice day.
-Mihai, Community Moderator0
Hi @A O
Fizz is for end users, therefore, this is more considered as a business options.
You can still use dynamic DNS
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For the moment this feature is not available.
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The IPs are assigned dynamically, however, you can almost consider it as static.
They probably change every couple of months, and behind this there is a reason.
If you are doing strange behaviour on the web and server are blocking your IP, the provider do not want that you turn off the modem for 1 minutes and get a new IP and give your problem to some other users. Since the provider must deal with the second user problem that you generate.
Nowadays, our modems are on 24hrs therefore, the story of IPs are limited (which is true) does not stand, since you need to have an IP. This is considered a premium service with some providers. But Fizz do not offer it.
I believe that you can consider your IP static, if you do turn off the modem for hours, and if it changes, it will change after months.----
Source from Mike user: https://forum.fizz.ca/en/discussion/2581887/how-to-set-static-ip
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It's currently not available. Sorry.
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Dynamic IP is not the same with static IP. The functionality I've mentioned in my initial question is not available on dynamic IPs. It is only available for static IPs.
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I am a home user with a little bit more knowledge… 😉
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Unfortunately Fizz is a flanker brand. There are many services that the parent brand has but are not offered such as 5G for mobile. In the end it's likely a profit/cost thing.
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I understand your dismay, there will always be something we don't like about ISP's, when it's not the price it's what we can do as a customer with the service we have subscribed to.
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With a dynamic DNS you can be able to have a mail server, you can also use service to help you with this. However, it can be challenging for other aspect.
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As Videotron offers static IPs on their business accounts, are there any cable internet providers that offer static IP for residential?
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For residential customer, I don't think there is one. You're probably going to have sign up for a business account.