Calls drop when driving or walking; Fizz not being helpful

Warren L. #31784
Warren L. #31784 Posts: 46 ✭✭
edited January 2024 in My Mobile

Hi All,

My phone calls drop all the time when I am driving or walking. I brought the issue to Fizz, who asked me to do all of the basic troubleshooting (restart phone, reseat SIM, reset network) and then asked me to do more extensive testing (like change the network to Fizz EXT) and try my SIM card in a different.

I could do all of the testing except try the SIM card in a different phone (because I only had one phone). Over christmas I got a new phone, put the SIM card from my existing phone in, and I have the same problem. To me this means it's the SIM card or something on Fizz's end related to the SIM card (I'm not a telco expert mind you).

Because my calls are still dropping with my new phone using the old SIM card, I brought the issue back to Fizz. Fizz told me to switch to Fizz EXT and then report each instance when the call drops.

Is it me, or is this really not customer friendly? I pushed back and asked just to replace the SIM card and was told I need to do these tests so that the issue can be escalated, but that I can buy a SIM card myself and try. Again, not customer friendly at all.

Given the troubleshooting already done and replacing my phone entirely (iPhone 15 replaced iPhone SE 3rd gen), and that I gave my old phone to my wife who does not have any problems with call dropping, that tells me it's the SIM card.

Fizz support is being polite but totally unhelpful and not understand that I'm a customer who wants reliable service. They are making me jump through many hoops which are increasingly inconvenient or difficult to action. Despite that Fizz is best for tech-savvy people, it seems like they think their customers have all the time in the world to perform troubleshooting and don't realize they are providing a critical service in day-to-day life.

Am I off base? Can someone from Fizz help me beyond demanding that I do more troubleshooting that will only delay a resolution?



  • Jess_i88b6
    Jess_i88b6 Posts: 14,141 ✭✭
    edited January 2024

    Hi @Warren L. #31784

    If you are in the zone where the fizz signal is low the Fizz Ext can help but you also need to activate the data roaming. Since using the VoLTE is it a good practice (at least for me) to keep the data roaming on.

    Did you have the opportunity to check the signal when this happens? It is the signal very low or you are switched to Fizz ext?

    Do you hear 3 beeps before the line drop?

    For sure be able to try the SIM in a different phone this will help, can you try to use your wife phone for a test?

  • Warren L. #31784
    Warren L. #31784 Posts: 46 ✭✭

    The calls drop multiple times while I'm driving along Autoroute 40 in Montreal between Decarie and the West Island. There is no way I am getting a weak signal; there are cell towers visible every couple of kilometers and the signal on my phone is always 4 bars.

    I don't have data roaming enabled because I'm in Canada and I don't leave Canada often. I don't want roaming enabled in case I forget to disable it when I visit the US (a couple of times a year).

    Why would roaming need to be on when I'm on the local network?

    When I'm not moving my calls don't drop, even I have 1 or 2 bars (which is what I get at work).

  • Jess_i88b6
    Jess_i88b6 Posts: 14,141 ✭✭
    edited January 2024

    We are using VoLTE technologies, which is using DATA if for some reason you are switching to Fizz Ext the call is dropping, since your phone doesn't allow the roaming

    If you are visiting US and you don't have money in your Fizz's wallet nothing will happen, you will not be charge

  • Warren L. #31784
    Warren L. #31784 Posts: 46 ✭✭

    Alright. I will enable roaming and see what happens.

  • Andrei_ref_R7VK1
    Andrei_ref_R7VK1 Posts: 8,721 ✭✭

    This is a good point, but I think VoLTE calls don't require data to be on. Google says the same.

    I tested it myself by calling my wife's phone and I see it's showing "HD Call" despite the data is turned off on both phones.

  • Jess_i88b6
    Jess_i88b6 Posts: 14,141 ✭✭

    I agree with you that we should not have the data on and the roaming, but it is easy to test, since between the standard and implementation of any given technology can create bugs

    I personally have the data on, roaming and all my number are entered using the international prefix it this way it is working every where even when I change Sim

    story short I was in Europe disabled the fizz sim enabled the eSIM my phone was trying to use the fizz sim even if the eSIM was configured as primary. For me was not inacceptable and I never configured any number to use a specific sim, I didn’t have this problem with any of my Samsung and not the OnePlus but the iPhone was doing it probably a bug with the iOS version

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 23,929 admin

    Hello @Warren L. #31784,

    I am sorry for the situation you have encountered.

    I have verified your account and you were asked to provide us with 3 phone numbers you were in call with and tell us when the call dropped and when the call occurred as we need to escalate the matter to our technical team.

    You can also get a new Fizz SIM card and come to us to change it, then we can also refund you for it if the situation will be solved by the SIM card change process.

    Please contact us privately on chat so we can solve the situation.

    I hope you have a pleasant day!

    Mihai, Community Moderator

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