Points not accumulating

pmerkin Posts: 27 ✭✭
edited December 2023 in Your Fizz Account
Within a day up signing up for Fizz I was able to accumulate 230 points. However, since then I don't seem to be accumulating anything. Liking posts in the forums, spinning the wheel, etc. does not seem to increase my point total at all. For example I didn't get the 150 points from yesterday's wheel spin, nor today's 40 points. Is there some required connection between my Fizz account and my Fizz Forums account that I don't have?


  • Jess_i88b6
    Jess_i88b6 Posts: 13,687 ✭✭

    Hi @pmerkin

    Not all the point that are accumulated in the forum are counting toward your rewards

    Participate in the community, you will receive:

    • 3 points for replying to a question

    • 50 points for getting the first Best answer

    • 100 points for each month that you are active

    You will also receive points for earning various badges.

    On your Fizz account, you will receive:

    • 10 points for each $ paid on your monthly plan.

    • close to 3 points for each $ spent at the Fizz mobile shop here: https://fizz.ca/en/plp

    • 3 points every time you gift data from your mobile plan: https://fizz.ca/en/faq/what-is-data-gifting-and-how-does-it-work

    • 200 points for each confirmed referral: https://fizz.ca/en/faq/how-do-i-invite-friends-to-join-fizz

    You can find more tips and tricks here - https://forum.fizz.ca/en/discussion/2620496/what-are-some-of-your-best-tips-and-tricks

    Using the Community Hub to share and help others comes with its own points and badges. 

    1 Earning Points

    Let’s get you started:

    1 Create your Community Hub account. Make sure to use the same email address as your Fizz account.  

    2 Help and contribute to the community by replying and posting helpful information that can benefit other Fizz members. > Learn how to post on the Community Hub

    3 You’ll earn points for each action you complete. Think of these as notoriety points. 

    4 Based on your contribution in the community, you may also receive Geek badges. The allocation of our Geek badges is based on a secret algorithm, devised to prevent people from gaming the community. But ultimately, the following will increase your chances:

    a The frequency of your activity on the Community Hub.

    b Any reply you post to help others who need assistance or direction.

    c Posting helpful contributions.


    Your participation in the Community Hub will also give a hand to your My Rewards progression.  

    1 You must be a Fizz member with an active monthly plan to participate in the My Rewards program. The email address you use in the Community Hub must match the one in your Fizz account. Subscribe to Fizz >

    2 The actions you complete on the Community Hub do not all contribute to your My Rewards program. Refer to the table below.

    3 Please note that to ensure fairness and quality of interaction on the Community Hub, daily limits have been set for each action that can contribute to your My Rewards progression. 

    Community Hub actions that contribute to your My Rewards progression

    ◦ Reply

    ◦ Answer in less than 5 minutes

    ◦ Daily leader

    ◦ Weekly leader

    ◦ Monthly bonus

    ◦ Monthly leader

    ◦ Earn “Accepted Solution” (best answer)

    2 Do I earn any rewards when I participate in the Fizz Community Hub?

    Participating in the Community Hub earns you points and badges, which in turn can contribute to your My Rewards progression in your Fizz account. You cannot earn rewards solely through the Community Hub. Learn about My Rewards


    The email used and associated with your Fizz account must not be changed once you start participating in the Fizz Community Hub or you will lose your ranking and the points you received to date. 

    source: https://fizz.ca/en/faq/how-do-i-earn-perks-using-community

  • wayne
    wayne Posts: 256 ✭✭

    The points from the wheel doesn’t count torwards the reward points which is a bummer. However posts on the forum should. Just need to refresh you browser.

  • zipilgrim
    zipilgrim Posts: 114 ✭✭

    There's always an initial rush of points your first few days because you're doing a lot of things that count towards some of the badges (like the Novice badge) and making initial payments. All payments you make to Fizz (monthly bill, add-ons, phone purchase, and so on) give points. Any badge you earn on the Fizz main site gets you points. Making a post on the forums gives you points. But there are other things that give forum points (spinning wheel, liking posts, etc) but these do NOT count towards your main site points.

    Short version: everything is probably working fine, just do things as you normally would and you'll accrue points. If the next payment cycle you make the payment and still don't see any new points, then you should probably contact Fizz support and see what's wrong.

    Welcome to Fizz, enjoy!

  • uzedia
    uzedia Posts: 1,232 ✭✭

    It takes a while to figure out how the rewards point work. Thanks to @Jess_i88b6, we are getting a helpful summary of how many points for which action or contribution we will receive. Don't give up, your patience will be rewarded 😊

  • Easygolucky
    Easygolucky Posts: 1,087 ✭✭

    It seems like you're experiencing an issue with accumulating points in the Fizz loyalty program. The points system is designed to reward users for various activities, including participation in the forums and daily actions like the wheel spin. If you're not seeing your points update, there might be a few things to consider:

    1. Account Linking: Ensure that your Fizz account and your Fizz Forum account are properly linked. Sometimes, if there's a mismatch or if the accounts are not fully integrated, it can cause issues with point accumulation.
    2. Delayed Updates: Occasionally, there might be a delay in the system updating your points. This could be due to technical glitches or system lags. It's worth waiting a bit to see if the points update after some time.
    3. Point Cap: Check if there's a daily or monthly cap on how many points you can earn from certain activities. Some loyalty programs have limits to prevent abuse of the system.
    4. Activity Eligibility: Make sure that the activities you are engaging in are eligible for points. Not all activities in the forum or on the Fizz platform may qualify for point accumulation.
    5. Technical Issues: There could be technical issues on Fizz's end. These could be temporary and might resolve on their own, or they might require intervention from Fizz's technical team.
    6. Contact Fizz Support: If you've checked all the above and still face issues, the best course of action would be to contact Fizz customer support. They can check the status of your account and confirm if there are any issues with point accumulation.
    7. Forum Participation: Keep in mind that forum activities like liking posts or commenting should typically contribute to your points, but the contribution might be small per activity.

  • pmerkin
    pmerkin Posts: 27 ✭✭
    Thanks Jess_i88b6, I'm not sure you understand what I mean.

    I spin the wheel, and get no points.

    I click Like to leave kudos for posts, and get no points.

    I try to reply to posts and get "Your comment will appear after it is approved", and it never gets approved.

    I am trying to do what you have outlined above, and can not.
  • pmerkin
    pmerkin Posts: 27 ✭✭
    If the points wheel and liking posts don't contribute to reward points, what exactly do they contribute to?

    I have been a member for four days, on the first day I somehow got 230 points (but do not see a list of where those points came from). Since then I have spun the wheel every day, gave kudos on a bunch of posts/comments I thought were useful, tried replying to a few posts, and posted a question of my own. I now have 245 points. I have refreshed my browser dozens of times, cleared my cache a few times, and logged in at least a half dozen times.

    At first I didn't see the "Your post will appear when it is approved" notice at the bottom left corner of my browser and I ended up posting the same thing a bunch of times. Then days later they all got approved at once. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the efficiency of a system that takes days to approve comments for what is essentially meant to be a conversation.
  • pmerkin
    pmerkin Posts: 27 ✭✭
    Thanks Easygolucky,

    I have the same email address on my main account as I do on my forums account. I hope that three days isn't a normal expectation for point delays. I hope that if there is a point cap per day that it is more than 15. I'm told that wheel spinning does not count towards "main account" points, though now I am confused about what purpose those points would actually serve. I'm pretty sure forum participation is supposed to be a valid points accumulation method though it takes days for a post to appear and even then, no points seem to be coming from the posts. If there are technical issues on Fizz's end I would expect that I wouldn't be the only one asking about it (though perhaps others have the same problem and can't post here at all). I have contacted Fizz Support, it took about an hour and a half to get a chat person to tell me they would look in to it. A day later, I have yet to hear back. I get that some things may only provide small amounts of points, but at this rate it would take me years to get to Level 2.

    I'm not trying to be a goof. I'm just trying to play along with the Fizz rewards program, don't seem to be able to, and don't seem to be able to even find out why. :-(
  • zipilgrim
    zipilgrim Posts: 114 ✭✭

    Like I said, the wheel and likes get your forum points, not reward points. You already know how to check your reward points (on the main site). You can check your forum points by going into your profile drop-down (on the top right of any page on the forums) and click on your profile picture, this will open your page, your forum points wil be under Analytics. As of now the forum points don't do anything besides bragging rights (I personally ignore them). I don't even think they work properly, my page shows 10 forum points and I'm pretty sure I should have more by now...

    The post approval thing is only for your very first handful of posts. I think it's probably to make sure bot accounts don't get used to flood spam the forums. At this point you should no longer be getting this and your posts should be appearing instantly.

  • pmerkin
    pmerkin Posts: 27 ✭✭
    Thanks zipilgrim... the forum points system seems rather odd. The post I made 20 minutes ago (the one you just replied to) did get a "will be posted when approved" message, but took significantly less time to appear than my previous ones. According to my forums profile I have 9 posts and 396 forum points.

    Ultimately... as near as I can tell this is a single organization with two totally unrelated point systems. Methods of point accumulation may be related and very similar between point systems, but one provides bragging rights (on a web site that close to 100% of the humans I have ever met have never heard of) and the other provides a mechanism I may be able to use to "get more services without having to pay for them". That seems messy at best to me. :-(
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 22,344 admin
    edited December 2023

    Hello pmerkin,
    Thank you for describing your situation to us.
    I have verified your Fizz member account and I can see that one of my colleagues already escalated your matter to our technical team.
    You can see your ticket in your Fizz member account > My settings > My tickets. As soon as the situation is solved, you will receive an e-mail with the ticket's details.
    I hope you have a pleasant day!
    -Mihai, Community Moderator

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