What would you suggest to a new member.

Grateful of this collective.
Hi @K_T
Sorry you cannot post your referral code here. Please edit your post
You can post here https://forum.fizz.ca/en/discussion/2198337/this-is-the-place-for-your-referral-codes-here-and-only-here or here https://forum.fizz.ca/fr/discussion/2198330
You should partecipate
Participate in the community, you will receive:
• 3 points for replying to a question
• 50 points for getting the first Best answer
• 50 points for each month that you are active
You will also receive points for earning various badges.
On your Fizz account, you will receive:
• 10 points for each $ paid on your monthly plan.
• close to 3 points for each $ spent at the Fizz mobile shop here: https://fizz.ca/en/plp
• 3 points every time you gift data from your mobile plan: https://fizz.ca/en/faq/what-is-data-gifting-and-how-does-it-work
• 200 points for each confirmed referral: https://fizz.ca/en/faq/how-do-i-invite-friends-to-join-fizz
You can find more tips and tricks here - https://forum.fizz.ca/en/discussion/2620496/what-are-some-of-your-best-tips-and-tricks
Using the Community Hub to share and help others comes with its own points and badges.
1 Earning Points
Let’s get you started:
1 Create your Community Hub account. Make sure to use the same email address as your Fizz account.
2 Help and contribute to the community by replying and posting helpful information that can benefit other Fizz members. > Learn how to post on the Community Hub
3 You’ll earn points for each action you complete. Think of these as notoriety points.
4 Based on your contribution in the community, you may also receive Geek badges. The allocation of our Geek badges is based on a secret algorithm, devised to prevent people from gaming the community. But ultimately, the following will increase your chances:
a The frequency of your activity on the Community Hub.
b Any reply you post to help others who need assistance or direction.
c Posting helpful contributions.
Your participation in the Community Hub will also give a hand to your My Rewards progression.
1 You must be a Fizz member with an active monthly plan to participate in the My Rewards program. The email address you use in the Community Hub must match the one in your Fizz account. Subscribe to Fizz >
2 The actions you complete on the Community Hub do not all contribute to your My Rewards program. Refer to the table below.
3 Please note that to ensure fairness and quality of interaction on the Community Hub, daily limits have been set for each action that can contribute to your My Rewards progression.
Community Hub actions that contribute to your My Rewards progression
◦ Reply
◦ Answer in less than 5 minutes
◦ Daily leader
◦ Weekly leader
◦ Monthly bonus
◦ Monthly leader
◦ Earn “Accepted Solution” (best answer)
2 Do I earn any rewards when I participate in the Fizz Community Hub?
Participating in the Community Hub earns you points and badges, which in turn can contribute to your My Rewards progression in your Fizz account. You cannot earn rewards solely through the Community Hub. Learn about My Rewards
The email used and associated with your Fizz account must not be changed once you start participating in the Fizz Community Hub or you will lose your ranking and the points you received to date.
source: https://fizz.ca/en/faq/how-do-i-earn-perks-using-community
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Participate in the forum to lean things and earn points that get you bonuses
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I suggest you to be active in the community, trying to help as much as you can.
Also try to earn as many badges as you can to level up and achieve perks and bonuses!
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Add someone as friends on fizz, that gives you some points :)
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And money!!
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Do you mean adding or referring? I didn't know adding them as friends give you points...
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But for referral codes, there is a special thread : https://forum.fizz.ca/en/discussion/2198337/this-is-the-place-for-your-referral-codes-here-and-only-here
you should post your code there, to avoid problems with mods and other users 😉
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welcome to fizz! been a member for a few years (i have both a phone plan and internet) & it's great! :)
my tip is this forum and asking questions whenever you're unsure about something, people are pretty helpful out here :) seems like you've got a good start on it! :)
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If you'trying to get points to level up you should definitely referrer people as it give you 200 points. And/or participate in the forums.
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Yeah 2 good ideas
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Referring is great! While, it's not easy to find people to refer. For sure, try to be more and more active on the forum to level up, at least until you reach your goal!
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@FizzyFizz JQMPM Yeah being active doesn't award you a lot of point in the short term but in the long term the points accumulate for sure.
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Especially when you start leveling up more and more.
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Yes absolutely
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If you manage to wind some best answer award and also to be the most active user of the day, those are extra points that certainly help!
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True, but not easy to win!
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Yeah exactly but the thing is if you're someone with a busy schedule you be able to be in the forums that much which is unfortunate.
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Yes I know, some people here seemed to be awake and ready to answer 24/7!! I don’t know how they manage to do that!!
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Welcome! My suggestion is to participate to the forum at least once a month to maximize your points, and also to gift your unused data - it get you extra points and also friends.
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it is to put at least twice a day sponsorship code to have some bonus of 25$
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I recommend doing what I do and learn the value of "add-on" consider how often you REALLY talk on your phone. It it less than 60 months in 2 months? For me it is. Instead of paying 14$ over 2 billing cycles I pay 3$
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here it's 400 to 900 minutes month 650 on average
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WoW you use it a lot!
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Thanks for the tip!
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That's good advice! Thanks
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You mean 60 minutes?
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That's pretty good advice
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Exactly I need my rest but these guys are Superman and Batman in one
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Lolll! Exactly!
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You understand me
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At this point I just take the 3 points every time I answer and don't bother about trying to get the best or the fastest answer. I don't have so much time to spend on this forum to compete with other people honestly
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Yeah I guess you have a point just 3 points by 3 points at a time.
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Most important thing is still trying to help but also enjoy other discussions in the break room about different topics could help because you can have very different conversation with very different people. Another suggestion I can give is to post about something you are interested in, because it will easier for you to answer to different people and keep the conversation going!
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I totally agree with you on that, If your not enjoying the Forum then there is no point.