How to gain points?
I was wondering how to get more points. How can we gain points on the community hub or on the site?
Have a nice day :)
Participate in the community, you will receive:
- 3 points for replying to a question
- 50 points for getting the first Best answer
- 50 points for each month that you are active
You will also receive points for earning various badges.
On your Fizz account, you will receive:
- 10 points for each $ paid on your monthly plan.
- close to 3 points for each $ spent at the Fizz mobile shop here:
- 3 points every time you gift data from your mobile plan:
- 200 points for each confirmed referral:
You can find more tips and tricks here -
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grind the forums and keep paying for a plan
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Yup the best way it to be a long time customer!
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So just by being active on the forum I will earn point? That's pretty cool.
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good to know, thanks
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Lets go apprentices !!!
We need points ;)
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After being with fizz since the begining, I just clicked to reveal my referal code and actually got point for this! Didn't know. Easy point.
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I'm curious to know what kind of bonuses you can get out of all this - I feel like I read somewhere that people get up to what, $7 off their monthly plans? After quite a bit of work of course.
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Merci davoir mis les point quon peut gagner ... jetais justement curieuse de le savoir :)
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Merci pour le nombres de points! ca montre qu'il y a bcp de travai la faire pour monter de niveau -.-
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Is it worth it to grind it out to get to level 5 (currently 4) or just wait it out?
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Me I wait for each bill to pass, but I also like to comment to help people on the forum.
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Partipate on the forum can help to give a boost.
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i wish participating in the forum would give more points haba
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Sur Fizz, il existe plusieurs façons de gagner des points pour les utilisateurs, voici quelques exemples :
- Parrainer des amis : Les utilisateurs peuvent gagner des points en invitant leurs amis à s’inscrire à Fizz en utilisant un lien de parrainage. Les points gagnés dépendent de la formule choisie par l’utilisateur.
- Faire des achats : Les utilisateurs peuvent gagner des points en achetant des services ou des produits sur le site de Fizz.
- Participer à des jeux concours ou des sondages : Fizz peut organiser des concours ou des sondages pour les utilisateurs sur les réseaux sociaux ou sur leur site web, les utilisateurs peuvent gagner des points en y participant.
- Utiliser des codes de réduction : Les utilisateurs peuvent gagner des points en utilisant des codes de réduction sur le site Fizz lors de leurs achats.
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thank u for the info!!
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On Fizz, there are several ways for users to earn points, here are some examples:
Refer friends: Users can earn points by inviting their friends to join Fizz using a referral link. The points earned depend on the plan chosen by the user.
Make purchases: Users can earn points by purchasing services or products on the Fizz site.
Participate in contests or surveys: Fizz can organize contests or surveys for users on social networks or on their website, users can earn points by participating.
Use discount codes: Users can earn points by using discount codes on the Fizz site when making purchases.
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Just keep commenting, posting questions, having the best answer for other questions, etc. :)
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Participation and time is the only way.
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just being active will earn point? Do we need to keep commenting or answering questions?
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good to know, thanks
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Be active. Answer questions. It'll add up.
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Just be active on the forum !
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Be active on the community and try earning as many badges as you can!
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Honestly, I think the best way is just to let your plan do the magic... 3 points for each answers is not a lot of point for a lot of work. Just waiting for the points to build-up after every paiement of your monthly plans is the easiest way to get there. 🙂
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Unless you have a very expensive plan, not sure about that…
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If you are very active and answer a lot you can earn point also with best answer and if you are the most active user of the day/week/month. It's not just about the 3 points per answer...
Having an expensive plan certainly helps
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I’m thinking the same thing
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One way that most people don't know is if you add friends in fizz account you can get points too, but so far comments on forums is the best way
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And I disagree with some people on here that say comments are not useful, when you have a lot of points left, yeah I agree wait for your plan to make it work, but when you have only tiny bit left and you can apply it to your next month, it is worth to bump yourself up quicker
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Indeed I didn’t know that… how many points for each friend?
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Yeah give us an answer @Chickencoop how many points for adding a friend?
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If I remember correctly you get points for the first one
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Only the first one?
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after it's 5 friends point !
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first friends 50 points
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Nice! Didn't know about this!
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Me neither, who wants to be my friend? 😂
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So it's 50 for the first one and then 5 per friend?
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I think I lost the count
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I added 2 friends already so for now on it's just 5 per friend?
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Or 55? 50 + 5? I really don’t know!
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Mmmm... we should try to add more friends and see what happens!
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Just be active in the forums and that will help.
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Also reffering someone gives you 200 points so if you can manage to do that that's good
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50 points a friend
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he just has a badge to add a friend won
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Does this really work?
5 pts for a new friend?