Daily internet outage

WoWoWoMaTiteJulie Posts: 10 ✭✭
edited December 2022 in Internet


Every day, I lose internet at 01:30AM, which recovers on its own, and then at 07:30AM, which does not recover on its own. The router is still accessible, I can still see my other computers on LAN, but the internet is just out. If I look at the modem/router, the @ light is flashing. This has been happening on the dot, every day, for the last week now.

Rebooting the modem/router fixes the issue. I have no other issues, but this one is pretty major for me as I use some resources from my own network remotely, so I need to wait for it to happen in the morning and then reboot the modem/router.

Context: I've been with fizz for more than a year with zero problem, it only started recently. This happens at night and in the morning when I am not even active. I have 1 computer, my phone and a second computer that is only used on LAN (doesn't have internet access).

Best Answer

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,270 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello WoWoWoMaTiteJulie 

    Sorry for this situation :( 

    In order to discuss everything together I invite you to contact us directly in private because following the checks I found that everything is well in order with your residential internet service Fizz.

    Do not worry because we are available at any time to help you!

    For other situations, we invite you one by one to contact us because it is possible that each situation is different. :)

    Have a great day!

    Alexandra ⚡


  • WoWoWoMaTiteJulie
    WoWoWoMaTiteJulie Posts: 10 ✭✭

    So I discussed with my neighbor who also has fizz and he has the exact same issue, although he doesn't know the exact times. Since last friday, when he wakes up (Around 6AM), he has no internet, so he's been unplugging and replugging his router daily as well.

  • Terzian
    Terzian Posts: 4 ✭✭

    I’ve been having the same issue as well. Except now, I don’t have internet at all …

  • chevreuil
    chevreuil Posts: 2 ✭✭

    It's happening to me also, losing internet many time a day, started a week ago.

  • 2slee88
    2slee88 Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Same here - anyone with a solution?

  • FrostDragon
    FrostDragon Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Hey I am having the same issue. Except my internet does not cut out at a set time. It cuts out randomly almost daily, if not more than once a day. This can be really annoying for me as I play online games and sometimes I am ejected from a game session thereby forfeiting the game. Anyone who plays games knows this is intolerable. Unless Fizz sorts out this problem I will be forced to find a new provider.

  • RA89
    RA89 Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Happening to me too, for around a week and at random times (every 12 hours or so ? hard to tell). Rebooting the modem works, but it's a pain to do it every time (and shouldn't be happening). I tried the factory reset last night, but it happened again this morning.

    Would be great if anyone could tell us what's happening. Hearing more people go through this, I'm tempted to think the problem is on Fizz's side

  • WoWoWoMaTiteJulie
    WoWoWoMaTiteJulie Posts: 10 ✭✭

    I'll take your words for it, but according to my computer that monitors my connection, the modem/router dropped internet around 12:45PM and recovered around 13:30PM, which is just about the time you investigated, so it's a bit odd it would show everything as normal when it just rebooted itself.

    I've attempted doing a factory reset and we'll see how that goes, I will contact you guys if that fails.

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