@Whizz, the Web site is broken on the English side.

The Home Internet prices don't show up. The French side is OK.
Best Answers
It is working for me.
Try refreshing your page, deleting cache and try with your browser in private/incognito.
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@Whizz It is now resolved.
I'm using Chrome on Windows 10 updated with no ad-blocker. Make some tests or you will lose new subscribers.
@PF_Ref_D2U9A Done that already. Here is the result:
Anyone else?
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Edit: you have to be logged in your account to see the prices. If you are NOT logged in, you won't see the prices. Potential customers DON'T have an account and WON'T create one just to see the prices.
But not with Chrome. The prices don't show-up even if you are logged in. At least for me. Anyone else?
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You're correct on both counts with Windows 10.
On the French site, the plan prices are always available regardless of whether you are logged on your account or not.
On the English site, you need to go on the internet plan page, logon your account and refresh the page and then the plans and prices will be made visible.
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Update: with Chrome I have to login a couple of times before the prices show up.
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It might be related to your browser location protection, the website need to locate you and check you are in the correct regions to show you the prices