Going on 6 days no internet, ticket open but no other info

AlisonClare Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited June 2022 in Internet

Is there anything I can do or anyone else I can contact for more info? We moved last Saturday, a tech came and checked our cables/modem,said everything was fine but there was "a bug within Fizz that is causing your modem to not connect, but not to worry,it will be fixed asap" he left, and a day later we still had no internet. I realized he was lying, just didn't want to deal with the issue, so I contacted customer service through chat, they said there's a problem with my modem and a ticket was opened. Since then, we've had no updates and every time I contact customer service I'm told they are working on it. This will be day 6 of no internet. My partner and I have spent almost $100 on data add ons, and we are considering switching companies. It's been a bad experience from the lying technician to the ticket with no progress. Is there anything else I can do before ending my contract with Fizz? Has anyone else had to wait this long for their service to be fixed/connected ?

Best Answer

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,316 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello AlisonClare,

    I am sorry for the situation experienced.

    I can see that your case has already been forwarded to our technical team and they are doing their best to solve this matter in the shortest time possible.
    We are doing a close follow-up with our team, and we will keep you updated by email once we have a reply to your ticket.

    Thank you for your understanding and patience.



  • Fling
    Fling Posts: 9,258 ✭✭
    edited June 2022

    Hi Alison

    Sad story

    We see to much of that on the forum about internet

  • swatt
    swatt Posts: 5,223 ✭✭

    Sorry for you. Give them a last chance and contact the customer service through chat.

  • AlisonClare
    AlisonClare Posts: 2 ✭✭

    I contact customer service every day and I'm told the same thing :( which is why I am getting frustrated. I was hoping there was another way to contact or get info

  • kayice11
    kayice11 Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Same here. 8 days no internet. Seems nobody on fizz side cares about the situation and keep telling me to have a wonderful day. How can I have one? I’ve been with Fizz for about 3 years and this how you loose a customer. Im very disappointed at the rate “technical team” has made no progress for over a week on my internet.

  • Sam247
    Sam247 Posts: 3 ✭✭

    I don't use Fizz internet, but I was traveling and my phone got deactivated a month back. Finally got a new sim, reactivated line (which took a whole week and half to get helped on) but have no service. In total it has been three weeks and I am giving up on Fizz. All the support agents do is open tickets or update tickets with no mentioning of progress. Very abysmal help!

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