Reward slots and adding rebates?

Ciaci Posts: 9 ✭✭
edited April 2022 in Internet

I still don’t quite understand the rewards program and I may have just messed my upgrades.

I only have Internet. 

I have two slots open and had a $2 rebate in one and $1 rebate in the other. I’m on “Level 4.”

I got an email about my rewards and when I went to the site it seemed to say that I had a new $2 rebate offer.

But when I tried to add the rebate, it wouldn’t work. So… I thought I had to remove the $1 rebate in order to use the $2 rebate.

So I removed the $1 rebate but still can’t use the $2 rebate (maybe because I’m already using it?).

Anyway, now it says the $1 rebate is “pending removal”… and I can’t seem to undo the removal.

Any idea what’s going on? Did I just permanently lose the $1 rebate? Did I actually have a second $2 rebate? Any help much appreciated.

Best Answer

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,316 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello Ciaci,
    I kindly suggest you to contact us on live chat so we can be able to help you further. 

    You can chat with an agent directly 24/7 using our live chat function. To contact us on the live chat you have to go to any of our FAQs and click the (?) in the lower right corner of the screen. Once you do that you will have to click on the (...) three dots which represent our live chat function.
    You can use this FAQ to find the chat bubble
    Thank you for your kind understanding. 
    I wish you a great day.


  • Dapfizzer
    Dapfizzer Posts: 10,182 ✭✭

    @Andy R. #35551

    Hi Andy,

    here’s my advice, when you want to change your bonuses, select this bonus by pressing it, and choose to activate it. From the beginning of the next cycle, it will take the box that you selected during this activation. Deleting an active bonus means that you will have to wait two payment cycles before activating the one of your choice.

  • Dapfizzer
    Dapfizzer Posts: 10,182 ✭✭

    @Andy R. #35551

    Your upgrades can have any one of the following status:
    1. In use: you’re currently enjoying this upgrade every month. If you click on it, you’ll have the option to remove it from your plan.
    2. Pending activation: you chose to activate this upgrade, and it’ll be applied to your plan come your next payment cycle (and will, at that time, show the “active” status).
    3. Pending removal: this upgrade was active, and you chose to remove it from your plan, which will be done come your next payment cycle.
    4. Available: you can choose to activate it on one of your plans.


    To apply an upgrade on your plan:

    Since an upgrade boosts your monthly plan, your plan must include that service in the first place for that upgrade to work. Say for example you receive mobile data upgrade: your plan has to include mobile data for you to enjoy an upgrade consisting of mobile data.

    Your plan showcases more than one available slot? Take advantage of the situation and assign an upgrade to each of those slots. Say for example you have an upgrade of 250 MB of mobile data, and another of 500 MB. Once these two upgrades have been activated on your plan, you’ll get to enjoy 750 MB (250+500) of extra mobile data each month.

    1. Log into your account, and go to Overview.
    2. In the left column, click on the summary that shows your My Rewards level. You can also scroll down below your usage summary to My Rewards and click on See details.
    3. Open the tab in the lower right-hand corner.
    4. Select the upgrade and click on Apply.
      • At that moment, you’ll see the white boxes below your plan start to move. Those are the slots where your upgrade can be applied.The slots with a + sign are ready to welcome your upgrade.
      • If you select a slot where there’s already another upgrade, we’ll ask you to confirm the swap. If you accept, the new upgrade will be applied to your plan come your next payment cycle.
      • Some slots are locked and cannot welcome an upgrade yet. You’ll unlock these slots when you reach higher My Rewards levels
    5. Select the slot by clicking on it.
    6. Your upgrade will be activated on your plan at the start of your next payment cycle.


  • Ciaci
    Ciaci Posts: 9 ✭✭

    Interesting, thank you.

    I think I tried to do that but the two rebates that were in the slots simply "shook" and then nothing happened.

    What does it mean when that happens?

  • Clive_ref_code_73TF9
    Clive_ref_code_73TF9 Posts: 545 ✭✭

    Hello @Ciaci, you are not alone, the process to add/remove Upgrades has been poorly implemented as it requires you to remove an Upgrade, wait until the next payment cycle to add an Upgrade and then it doesn't come in to effect until the next payment cycle. Fizz should change the process for adding/removing Perks and Upgrades much more easily and not require two billing cycles to complete.

  • Emporium
    Emporium Posts: 2,305 ✭✭

    Hi Clive,

    That it is poorly implemented, I totally agree. It could have been more intuitive. However you don't HAVE to wait 2 billing cycles if you do it carefully/correctly (check Dapfizzers quote above). The key is do do a SWAP.. ie: don't remove one to add another. Apply the new one, over an existing one instead, in order for it to swap for next billing cycle. I made that mistake the first time also. But then the next time I got another $2, I swapped and it worked perfectly.

    Select the upgrade and click on Apply.

    - At that moment, you’ll see the white boxes below your plan start to move. Those are the slots where your upgrade can be applied. The slots with a + sign are ready to welcome your upgrade.

    - If you select a slot where there’s already another upgrade, we’ll ask you to confirm the swap. If you accept, the new upgrade will be applied to your plan come your next payment cycle.

    - Some slots are locked and cannot welcome an upgrade yet. You’ll unlock these slots when you reach higher My Rewards levels

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