Referal bonus not applyed

I have a referal bonus that came in 2 months ago, but still did not aply to any bill.
I've read that the bonus applies only to the main account, if you have multiple.
I started using fizz with the internet plan, and then added mobile. But I recently canceled my internet as i moved in with my boyfriend. So my "main" account is deactivated.
So i guess this is the issue, but how do i fix it? Is there a way to make my mobile account my main account?
Best Answer
Hi LianaLyssa,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
As I see here, you used a referral code when you subscribed to your Internet plan initially and a new customer used your code for which, normally, both of you get a discount.
However, since you cancelled the Internet plan under which this 2nd bonus/referral discount was supposed to be applied, before it was applied, you and the other customer both lost said discount.
You always need to keep the plan under which the bonus will be applied, active, in order to benefit from the discount.
Details can be found here: very much for your understanding, patience and collaboration.
Havea good one!
here's how to do it in your Fizz account: My settetings, Plan receiving the referral bonuses, Than you'll have to select your phone number.
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Hello @LianaLyssa
I presume you refer instead to plans, not accounts. An account can group both your internet and mobile plan.
In an account you can set which plan WILL get a referral. But the rules are that to unlock that referral the plan must stay active. Which is not your case, sorry to say.
[...] If you deactivate your plan, or your plan is deactivated by Fizz for payment failure or any other reason, you will lose the referral bonuses that are pending and associated with this plan, including your balance.
You can still check that any further referrals will be applied to your mobile (should be done by default if this is programmed right). But that won't fix the ones you got so far, only the future ones.
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But her overall account is still active as she still has a mobile plan. So it should be a simple switch, as suggested by Dapfizzer, no? I mean it worked for me 1.5 years ago but much can have changed since then.
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My understanding is the following. I'll welcome any correction.
Only the referral code is related to the account but the other referral process (a bonus or the whole balance) is assigned to a specific (active) plan, not the account. As such, a bonus (pending or received) or a balance cannot be moved around once associated to a plan. In other words, you should have a balance per active service plan and if you cancel the plan, its balance is gone.
So, should the switch for future referrals be simple? IMHO yes: that toggle is in the account' settings when multiple active plans are present (but absent when you only have one active plan). And if programmed well by Fizz, when only one plan remains active (OP's case), the switch for new referrals should automatically fall back to the only one still active. But the balance accumulated so far as well as any Pending bonus will be lost if you cancel the associated plan, as per Fizz rules.
Now, it is not 100% clear what fix OP is trying to get:
- to fix the next referrals, or
- to get the balance assigned to a canceled plan.
I presumed the later, in which case it is clearly not possible as mentioned by the FAQ. A fair guess is it's for retention and profitability business reasons .
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Hmm, you make a very good point. I think you might be right. I did some more digging and I had in fact three active plans 1.5 years ago so maybe that was the difference?
In any case this is quite ridiculous on Fizz's part. Why the hell do you loose your referral bonuses although you still remain a customer with an active line? Especially with internet its quite weird as not every address is compatible with Fizz internet and if you move there is a chance you cannot retain your internet service. At least they should give you a warning before you deactivate.
@Whizz I think you should fix that.
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Hello @LianaLyssa, I second @StefanM call for Fizz to change how it applies a referral bonus. A referral bonus was earned and should apply as long as a subscriber remains a customer. The existing policy would also apply if someone with Fizz Mobile and Internet in QC moves to ON, still within the subscription area for Mobile, but not Internet. This is not a fair policy.