Phone broken at day 1 - Why Fizz customer service is so bad!!!

Jocelyn P. #36372
Jocelyn P. #36372 Posts: 23 ✭✭


I got my brand new pixel 6 yesterday, everything working fine until this morning. Black screen and won't turn on or off. (tried the power button for more than 30 seconds / power + volume up too)

Contacted Fizz support, here are my 2 options:

1) Send back my phone under warranty and get a refund (black friday special, paid 550$). And buy a new phone full price at 798$, "only" 250$ more than what I paid

2) Wait 15 days to replace my phone under warranty, which can also take some days

Is this serious? Anyone had a similar experience? Can't believe this

Best Answer

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,312 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hey Jocelyn P. #36372,

    Sorry for the inconveniences with your new device. It does happen from time to time. Since you purchased a new device "Google Pixel 6" you have 15 days to return it. Our team will inspect it and if all is good we will refund you the purchase you made, and you can then buy yourself the same device and will honor the price you initially paid for it.

    Here is the FAQ on how to return your device:

    Have an awesome day!



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