Reminder to new Forum Users

I have seen over the past couple of days that users started to post their respective referral code all over the forum. I do understand that the $100 sign-up bonus is enticing but please keep in mind that there is a dedicated master thread where you are allowed to post your referral codes.
The English one can be found here:
The French one can be found here:
Posting codes anywhere else is against the community guidelines. If Fizz would allow it, the forum would be spammed, just like we could see the past couple of days.
SO please help us keep the fizz community hub an effective tool for people to find help and create a nice environment for everybody :)
Est-ce que le 100$ de référencement est valide dans les cas de forfaits de base à 15$ par mois ? Ou faut-il prendre un forfait avec des Go ?
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Qui, c'est valide :)
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Agreed 100%.
Problems are:
- these are new forum members not aware of rules, nor interested to read them first. They simply do not care ...that much.
- such posts still live for a few hours until a mod deletes it. Damage is done, on the short term at least.
Solutions, if I may suggest:
- the moment someone posts something elsewhere than designated areas, Fizz should implement a text parser detecting the post owner's code and preventing the post (at all, or with a warning during editing).
- alternatively, if a parser is too long to develop, have a scheduled script to delete/hide-for-review such posts every 15 minutes or so...
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That’s a good point! I think Fizz should definitely develop something or maybe give us the option to report a post.
I just saw that since Fizz implemented the the 100$ bonus, new members go crazy and post their referrals all over the place. Instead of helping community users their have 5 posts under their belt all about their referral codes ….
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I have noticed this as well. Great reminder!
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Problem is many people are using their referral code for things other than the referral promotion, like data gifts. In this case, posting referral codes is necessary to send and receive data. Nonetheless, many posts seem to be advertisements for promo referral codes.
Nonetheless, I think the situation is improving since I started coming here, more than three weeks ago...
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As I suggested, you can target any script for designated areas. So the script could cover all forum categories except Data Gifting. That's be a great start.
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good to know
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Yes, thanks for reminding people
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(bump to keep this thread on top)
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Thank you!
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Situation is much better than it was a few weeks ago.
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Good reminder.
💡 I also would like people to write there message short and clear. Some people write long message that take two complete screen to look at ... with redondant text and picture ... i found that so annoying that i would never use that reference code.
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That hurts! I do use this technique, as most other users do, but it's because of the visibility it brings...
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If someone ask question on how too signup with Fizz, it’s normal I think to give them youre code.
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Thank you!
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Comment faites-vous pour ajouter votre code de références dans l'entête de vos messages???
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Modifier le profil --> Emplacement :)