Anyone has visual voicemail working with Google Phone app?

Frank X.
Frank X. Posts: 4 ✭✭
edited October 2021 in My Mobile

I was told that Google Phone app also supports visual voicemail for a few listed carriers as well as possibly some unlisted ones, not sure if Fizz could be one of them.

It's not working for me right now, but if anyone else has gotten it turned on, it would be nice since I don't want to install another dedicated app just for voicemail.


    BUDDYMAN Posts: 51 ✭✭

    Just wait a bit! I am sure itll come soon enough, they only rolled it out recently

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,270 admin

    Hello Frank X.,

    At the moment to use the visial voice mail, if you have an Android device, you will have to download and install the application for it from Google Play Store. 
    Here you can find more information about this:
    If you have further questions you can always contact our support team. 

    Have a lovely day,

  • Frank X.
    Frank X. Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Thank you for the answer, I guess what your link shows is the plan of supporting Google Phone app but actually I don't think I am allowed to access it as a customer. Besides, I cannot get the Fizz Voicemail app at all even if I want to, due to my Google Play account locates in the US due to some reasons. Would it be possible that it can also be set available in the US region? Thank you!